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Status Updates posted by RenownedWolfman

  1. Explain this to me, I walk down school hallways hearing people calling each other sluts, whores, making sick jokes at other peoples expense, to their faces and behind their backs. People don't seem to mind this, but when I give someone a compliment i'm a creep?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cloakedsphere
    3. Sawses


      Welcome to the human race.

    4. hypercrit


      Welcome to the Education System. Please enjoy your stay. We have heaps of really not fun things and people here to make your life a living hell! Remember, being nice or having fun is illegal!

  2. Don't watch this if you want to see role-play or if swearing harms your ears, or if your name is vaquxine.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarsies


      That was interesting. :P

    3. Zarsies


      That was interesting. :P

    4. Heero


      I love it man! Nice to see you finally make a video. PM me before if you want to hop along for some crazy/random RP adventure!

  3. Too bad I can only vote once daily.

  4. People ruining their argument by posting in a color and then refusing to change it when asked by multiple people.

  5. Current Projects: RogueLike game, i've got a list of the things I want to add, i'll start with stats, items, and races. And i've decided to work on the LOTC arcade game, so i'll be coding for that as well, both sound like very fun projects and I can't wait to see what they develop into. P.S. The RogueLike game is being done in python with a second API to assist with rogue based actions.

    1. Ursolon


      Sound cool! :D

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Oh gawd, you just reminded me of IVAN.

    3. RenownedWolfman
  6. Lol, Just wrote an experience algorithm for my friend who's a better programmer. Then he decides to hardcode exp into an array instead of doing an algorithm, he'll still need one for experience gained off of enemies so fail.

  7. VA posted, now just to wait. I've got movies to watch so shouldn't be hard. :)

    1. RenownedWolfman


      with my family of course, then afterwards back on LOTC.

  8. Oh wow, I never would've known to vote unless someone posted the link on their status, thank you to the many people who do that,

    1. everblue2er101


      It really does help put the server out there. And you get minas. Win-win.

    2. RenownedWolfman


      I vote daily, I find all the status posts about it annoying though.

    3. Lykos


      gonna start doing it every day again, without spamming, of course.

  9. So my friend and I decided that we're going to make an RPG based on our school as our senior project. Problem is neither of us documented our engines and can't remember jack about most of the code, not to mention it's all rather messy so we're rebuilding from scratch but this time with lots of documentation and easy to grab snippets rather than needing huge lines for simple tasks that we already defined.

  10. Why does everyone hate math?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trouvo


      im a programmer...i love math

    3. Trouvo


      math does not lie to you or cheat you, or break up with you, or call you names, math is what it is, and sometimes its imaginary

    4. Cappy


      Trouvo, if I didn't already give my soul to Kal Derra, you could have it.

  11. I was bored sunday so I wrote out the basics for a 2D game, currently I have a canvas set up, the window, player movement, sprinting, stamina, health, working on sprites/spritesheet/animation, as well as working inventory. First time reading sprites off a sheet so that'll take some time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Heero


      Kudos to you Wofly. ;)

    3. shiftnative


      Very cool! show us some stuff sometime~

    4. The assassin
  12. I've had a rather good week, I thought there'd be more noobs running around but for the most part i've had really good RP.

  13. ugh my head, i'm whitelisted now but my head hurts too much to play. You are a cruel mistress fate.

  14. Throwing up all over the place, hope i get whitelisted today. until then i think i'm gonna keep my head in my sink. Cupid must of shot me with a poisoned arrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lykos


      Argh, I feel sick too. Luckily my school was cancelled today!

    3. RenownedWolfman


      Lucky, i drove the 40 minutes to school, threw up on ymy first period teacher and drove home.

    4. Lykos


      I did that once... Was a bit more epic though. Had to run to school, vomiting all over the road... For three miles. Then, right when I get into first period, the teacher asked my why I was late... Covered him in a wall of sick... Then I had to run back the three miles, puking all over the road.

  15. I can't wait to play on the server.

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