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Elrohir Sil'Siol

Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Elrohir Sil'Siol

  1. So what have I missed in Skravia?

    1. Tristanx7


      Umm, Skravia was raided

    2. lemontide331
    3. lemontide331


      No, but it got called off.

  2. Ill during exam time...

  3. Four down two to go...

  4. Why are the GMs avoiding my charter? .-.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Aye, as Shiftnative said, perhaps giving the City-States a look; perhaps a settlement can be appealed for ;)

    3. Elrohir Sil'Siol
    4. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      I just thought it was odd, how our charter has been on the thread for two weeks and I've notice two people get theirs done in a day. Patience is something I need more of. :)

  5. It's odd how peoples rep goes up when they are banned.

    1. Austin
    2. domainoft
    3. domainoft


      Possibly because all they do is troll the forums, we need a system of adding rep to players in-game to balance? See some good RP..give a +1 to them once a day, or possibly you only get so many +1s a day as well.

  6. Description: metametameta!

    1. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      "Oh you're a meta-gamer, well I'll stay away from you then, thanks for the warning."

  7. Who's not leaving?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. yekim8


      -will never leave-

    3. Neutonic


      Why leave.... jesus this patch is good!

    4. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Yes Rhazev, that's what I'm looking for!

  8. People, stop getting banned!

  9. Oh my god! It's not a 1, I am so happy! :) 8/10
  10. Meh... Why not? 6/10 Oh wait... *Looks at the next post* That's why.
  11. Please tell me the server just crashed?!??!

  12. While we wait for Tiger to return, if anyone wants to look at our charter and has any tips, feel free to say! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/56311-awaiting-review-elarinya/

    1. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      I just want to improve it now, we've got the sigs and money, so I hope it will be good enough. :)

    2. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      I just want to improve it now, we've got the sigs and money, so I hope it will be good enough. :)

  13. Oh god! Danny is recruiting sloths!

  14. Still planning on warclaiming an unprotected NPC village, after weeks of trying to contact the 'owner' IC and OOC...

    1. Rasun


      Go for it, my clan recently did the same, except we tried contacting them for months

    2. Rasun


      You could also just send a GM a message asking for permission and see if a warclaim is needed. Maybe they'll make a fun RP event for you too like Seventh did for us :)

    3. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      I'll try. Still trying to contact then though, I got one message though but then nothing, I want to just buy it off them (So I can destroy it). But I think it would be fun to write a warclaim.

  15. Is an admin a GM and FM?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Oh. And that was very quick

    3. Lym


      An Admin is usually a Game Moderator with a lot of experience who's overseeing a certain part of LOTC. NekoDanie for example leads the GM Team, Robin the FM Team, Liri the App Team and so on.

      They have more powers than any GM or FM on the forums.

    4. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Ah, that explains a lot...

  16. Gobbo Name: Klobb Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]: Klobb is a short young goblin, he is rather weak and has an overly high pitched voice. He is outgoing, yet naïve. Klobb is very curious, yet has a very low attention span. He is often seen fishing as he has an obsession with fish. Klobb believe he is able to make people die by looking at them. This comes from a time, during the plague, when he witnessed people die around him, thinking it was him coursing this, his only way of explaining it was that he has death sight. Of course, he doesn’t. Klobb has large ears and large eyes, he has a small red nose and small childlike teeth. Stupidity Level: Klobb is very stupid. He is smart enough to follow orders and know who his friends are, but that is about it. He can talk and walk like anyone else, but it is his naivety and gullibility that lets him down. Gender: Male Special Trait: Lumberjacking, mining and fishing Age: 15, he is twins with Bod.
  17. Siriously, what am I going to do for the next four months?!

    1. Austin


      eat turtles

  18. I wonder... Should I advetise my VA and charter... Nah.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlphaCentaurus


      See, it's funny because he knew full well he was advertising the entire time and yet wanted to give the appearance of not being shallow.

    3. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      I was joking, everyone else puts up links and such, I have tried not to ask anyone to sign the charte but have double the nessisary sigs. already. As for the VA... Meh...

    4. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Charter* Necessary* :P*

  19. Not being impatian, just wondering. How long does it take for a charter to be looked at and accepted or denied?

  20. Well, for the next 3 month, I have nothing to do...

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Play with Panda!

  21. Wow, I come up with some right rubbish...

  22. Is the sever still down or is it just me? :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elrohir Sil'Siol

      Elrohir Sil'Siol

      My MC is being a pain...

    3. Shomanakillah


      It's down for me also...

      dangit >.<

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      NOT AGAIN! I CAN'T COPE NOT AGAIN! *breaks into a tear filled rage*

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