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Status Updates posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. I long for the day when humanity elvoves into a blocky form where things are crafted and people respawn after getting mauled by zombies....

  2. New Kha stuff? The Vailorian Ranger, Malv, may just check it out!


    1. chaotikal


      new kha' changes? let's peep this out



  3. Can anyone tell me how to take a picture using Dynmap?

    1. Sorsby


      Take a screenshot, press the PrtScn button on your keyboard or use something like http://gyazo.com/

  4. 15th on minestatus! How exciting!

  5. I wish someone would draw me my character ... They always look so cool

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      I can try :O PM me what your character looks like and Ill do my best :P

  6. Oh look...The fire alarm goes off when you burn food... hmmmm

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Again... it goes off....

  7. The druids almost let a lich enthrall my character yesterday... Literally they just watched... I found it to be hilarious. :3

  8. My theme song would be a weird combination of these two songs...

  9. 5 hours of homework after a 4 hour rehearsal after 5 hours of class... college

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Good night kittenmits ^_^

  10. Well I got Priam's citizenship application in!

  11. Guys I totally forgot... Since march 16th of last year I have been apart of this wonderful server full of amazing people! Thank you all so much for a wonderful year!

  12. That festival was a lot of fun! And there were no raids or bandits or wars.

    1. Tee-Tree


      I lost a bit more than I expected to lose though.

  13. Anyone else experiencing difficulty entering the server? I assume it is a mojang problem.

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      its always a mojang problem >.>

  14. Calling all elves! In 15 minutes we will be doing a small event. Gather at the gates of Malinor. Check the elven calendar for more info.

  15. It is days like today that I can look back and say "Yea, applying for that server a year ago was a good desicion."

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      "Hey Leo, there's this cool roleplaying server you should check out." Best piece of advice my sister ever gave me :D

  16. If my character was an Ishvalan from Fullmetal Alchemist: http://i.imgur.com/0PSxoU6.png

  17. One day. I will have magic. One day...

  18. So I was thinking... "How many posts do I have?" then I looked and I have exactly 1000. TIme for a Q&A thread?

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Yes..yes indeed..

  19. Just did a mini-event in the iron mine. Watched someone burn to death...

    1. Bakerismaxamis




  20. So uhhhh while I don't think the expedition was very fruitful ie. no artifacts found, I did get a cool thing :] Herro's Staff :] come at me bro.

    1. Heero


      -Raises an angry fist.-

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