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Status Replies posted by dandan1350

  1. Dandan1350 is a badman gangster

  2. We don't have a Kingdom of Oren sub forum ;-;

  3. Mhmm, Flays just offered me 90k.. very interesting ;)

  4. Y'all come down to Adunia! Y'hear? (Besides Flays, Knights, antagonists, or anyone else with a grudge. . . )

  5. gm abuse i would like to be unbanned pleas becase guse geo ubanned me and its not fair

  6. Joe you are the best, you are joing to catch all the pokemon and beat Dan in a pokemon battle!



  9. So, before I finish this up, its a YES to purist Cyberpunk and a NO to Blade Runner for the FRP?

  10. Fight me IRL, Dylan, I'll show you who's a lightweight >.

  11. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  12. Recklez is bullying me into finding people to RP our children. Need to find a person to play the girl...

  13. Thanks Gemmy. Now we both can't play. :'(

  14. Need. Help. Stuck in Asulon, cant die as I have all my stuff on meh...

  15. Die from soulstone suffocation. Take screenies as my past knowledge told me that they may refund items. Nothing happens. Lose full diamond and a heck load more items :(

  16. I am getting forced into accepting VAs, they figured out my weakness... cupcakes Q_Q

  17. Just upgraded to Gold VIP! Soon to be diamond :3

  18. Being a child is awesome.

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