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Status Updates posted by homijoe

  1. i know this will get lost in the comments but, sometimes i cover myself in vaseline and pretend im a slug

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mmat


      Definitely not ripped from Youtube, no sir.

    3. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      Dis ain't a YouTube comment section!

    4. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      I cover myself in slugs and pretend im Vaseline

  2. I think Peter Jackson just payed Benedict Cumbernatch to transform into his dragon form to make the Hobbit movie, thats why the budget was so huge

  3. If you could go out on a hot date with any staff member, who would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zarsies
    3. Zarsies


      (it's probably end with more dessert than intended eh-huehuehue)

    4. AGiantPie


      Hot date? Come on now.


  4. Im brilliant *tee hee

  5. Im brilliant *tee hee

  6. Im brilliant *tee hee

  7. Im brilliant *tee hee

  8. Im brilliant *tee hee

  9. Is teamspeak down?

  10. Jolly as a Rancher!!!!!!!!

  11. Just gonna say, anyone who dislikes the god that is homijoe, I can be a **** sometimes, I fully apologise to any humans/dwarves I flamed at /did lude RP at. Love all of my LoTC buddies! -Homi

    1. Nug


      if you loved them like you say you do, you wouldn't have done anything negative to them. :/

    2. Lathros


      I still love you, Homijoe. <3

  12. Kal' Dwain is the best!!

    1. MediocreGamer


      Kal'Alras is better! We have professional miners that sing in synch whilst mining :D

  13. Merchant shop open to the public! :D

  14. New years resolution: Work on being less trolly, more of a leader, control my temper, and to keep mature

    1. BrandNewKitten


      I think that is a pretty dandy resolution.

    2. WuHanXianShi14
    3. Zarsies


      Kitten's got it. Good on ya mate.

  15. No wonder we got along so well

  16. Not very Jolly at the moment....

  17. Ridge

    I wanna let you know that on your application, you have made a common mistake. Your supposed to make your character history based on lore

  18. So people are arguing like ******* crazy on Teamspeak and I decide to play some spanish mariachi tunes to break the tension and I get permabanned from teamspeak

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AgentSunny


      Should have played some smooth jazz.

    3. Avacyn


      thats what happens when you troll

    4. Snake Plissken
  19. Someone -1'd all my posts on one of my strike reports so now I have -9 rep..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      Dont matter. Ive got -20 somethin. And one guy has -200 something.

    3. Aislin


      I have -250

      Oh wait I have +250

    4. Cappy


      Each person can only give out 1 a day, so either you've got someone really dedicated or a bunch of people don't like your posts...

  20. SOMEONE HELP ME. My minecraft account is also used by my friend who originally bought it. He doesnt really play any more, but I got the migration for emil thing. Its messed up. I did everything I should and mojang, but minecraft doesnt recognize my account???

  21. Sorry about your application denied. );

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