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Status Updates posted by Draxon_Caeliat

  1. Ugh! Why do you crash so much minecraft?

  2. You know in the dead of the night (Or early in the morning for some people) When only about 50 or so people on we should throw a party at the cloud temple, just until the server gets to about 100 or so people.

  3. Well I guess my computer didn't want to get in LotC today... So a question. If you had one wish (Can be anything but more wishes) what would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Draxon_Caeliat


      ._. Guess that's right...

    3. Dargene


      Hang on, We cant with for more wishes.. Okay fine..... I wish for more genie's >:D

    4. Wheatley


      They won't come true? Okay, I wish that a supermodel WON'T come to my house and fall in love with me.

  4. Can anyone tell me what's with the DDOS attacks lately? Almost every website/game with a server has been under extreme DDOS attacks.

  5. How does one repair a bow?

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      Put another bow in the crafting table with it, I know, makes a ton of sense.

  6. Awesome Ocarina music I found! Check it out!

  7. Having alot of fun at the creative cafe, Come join!

  8. Ha, sleep? Sleep is for the weak! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  9. I need help LotC! And quick! My friend was saving up for Skyrim, but his mom decided to surprise him and buy him the game. Now he's willing to buy me Arma 2: co, but I have do him a favor... And I have no idea what to do!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Draxon_Caeliat


      I tried to give him a hug... he said no :(

    3. Draxon_Caeliat


      He already has minecraft, and is on LotC

    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      Buy him Assassin's Creed III when it comes out. c:

  10. Just got teamspeak 3, what's the best channel to join?

    1. EmeraldStag



    2. Draxon_Caeliat


      Most are locked...

  11. Just auditioned with Urara for the part of one of the Fjarriauga. Hope I did ok.

  12. Did anyone else just get kicked from the server?

    1. Skippy


      It restarted.

    2. Draxon_Caeliat


      Hmm didn't get a warning... That's weird

  13. Once 1.3 comes out this server is going to have a LOT more stuff to work with...

    1. Draxon_Caeliat


      Like books and quills and stuff.....

    2. Korvic


      I thought modding API was postponed to 1.4?

    3. Draxon_Caeliat


      Wasn't talking about modding API, I was talking about the new items they where adding. (Sorry it was very late when I wrote this and I was kinda trippy)

  14. Going to post my VA *Crosses fingers*

  15. Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the evils a villian can perform?

    1. Matt1234567


      Under updated Villain Rules

    2. Draxon_Caeliat
  16. Hello LotC, I was thinking of doing a (almost) Daily blog for my character. (Kinda like Journal enteries) What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Go for it, I'll be sure to check it out.

    3. Korvic


      Sounds intresting. ^_^

    4. Korvic



  17. Please orcs PLEASE stop raiding poor little villages killing all the parents leaving the orphans nothing for them to do become master swordsmen! (And women)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Draxon_Caeliat


      Why not the kids too? Or is it because parents taste so good you fill up on them and not anyone else?

    3. Austin


      kids bones r too small. we can choke on them, plus it gives them a chance to come after us when their adults for "revenge" then we kill them too

    4. Haelphon
  18. Wish I could get Arma 2: co and day Z mod.....But steam doesn't seem to want to work.

  19. well What better timing, right when we were being robbed..

  20. what just happened to the server?

  21. Whats on my mind? Hmm...............CAKE!

    1. Nononymous


      Forever and always... :3

    2. Bawg


      It is a lie.

    3. Bawg


      It is a lie.

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