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Status Updates posted by steelersfan1221

  1. My computer is officially dead. (probably) RIP and Good riddance you filthy Mac.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taiga


      You can still sell the apple logo for a decent price of 300 dollars.

    3. Eleatic


      ...... Really? o_o

    4. steelersfan1221


      Well, I could get it fixed -AGAIN- Or I could go buy a real computer.

  2. Stealth's Pro Tip of the Day: Do not visit http://www.omegle.com

  3. Made a macro for the WS chat, because I get the same question oooverrr and oooverr and oooverr :)

    1. everblue2er101


      I've got all my links always ready to go.

  4. Hopefully my Event Team Application does alright :) If and only if you have enjoyed RP with me in the past, please do go support it. I would GREATLY appreciate it. Other than that, good luck to you all!

  5. My head is hurting. ^ ^ I am off to bed, night everyone.

  6. If you have enjoyed RP with me or find me to be a good example for new players... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/58993-actor-stealths-event-team-application/#entry460938 I'll give you a big wet kiss.

    1. HuskyPuppy


      i'll support but give the kiss to Aryon for trolololin

    2. steelersfan1221
  7. Anybody who is fairly active looking to RP a young son? You will be the son of the Duke and the Duchess :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demotheus


      children and derps are fun to roleplya! :Dc

    3. Dat Meman46

      Dat Meman46

      If ya posted this yesterday then I would have been available...

    4. steelersfan1221


      D: So Rookie you wanna try it out?

  8. Your daily stig quote of the day is: "Some say...that one of his legs get longer when he sees a pretty lady...and that his genitals are upside down....All we know is, he's called the stig.

  9. Anybody want to make me a cool signature graphic?

  10. I have a mac. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ursolon


      Let's talk about this before you make any drastic decisions. We can get you through this. Together. Please, talk to me. Have faith.

    3. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      I see no problem in having a mac? I have both a mac and a pc and in many ways I prefer the mac o.o

    4. steelersfan1221




      * bursts out into tears.

  11. DO IT NOW OR I'll GET MY DWARF BUDDY TO HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU. http://www.xtremetop100.com/minecraft

  12. Grad practice in the 90 degree weather tomorrow, then actual grad, then grad dance and a bunch of parties :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steelersfan1221


      > Middle School Graduation :P

      Super important isn't it

    3. TheNinox


      Hey now, we all have big parts of life! Some are seemingly smaller, but they all matter :)

    4. steelersfan1221
  13. 28 Votes Until we move up a place! Go and vote now! http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

  14. Hey guys every time the server crashes lets make a status update about it! That should fix it!

    1. Badass Imperial Guard

      Badass Imperial Guard

      They do kind of confirm it's a server problem instead of a client problem...

    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      But every time we crash, EVERYONE posts a status

  15. Just finished an episode of Top Gear, but I'm off to bed now. It is quite late, and I gotta do a school project tomorrow with some friends. So, yeah night

  16. I is tired. Im off to bed. Been a good day :D Night

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