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Everything posted by EmeraldStag

  1. Don't think I can't see you there, looking at the Mobius rp forum thread. I see you there, if it intrests you, read the previouse posts and then add one already, if not then why are you looking at it? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/55676-mobius/page__st__30

  2. Listening to Skillet Hero....makes me want to play a hero that doesn't believe themself as a hero XD

  3. Posted on the Mobius RP Forum on here, Can't wait to get stuff rolling XD

  4. You know what sucks? Having a Staf infection or however it is spelt.

  5. Can someone link me a good meme creater website?

    1. AlphaCentaurus



      Also, you can just use paint with a white allcaps impact font caption.


    1. KoTo
    2. ayresalex


      Thanks Captain Obvious

    3. EmeraldStag


      No PROBLEM Mr.MoodKiller :D!

  7. HEY can some one send me the letters that make a person flipping a table in a PM? I would like to add it to my siggy!

    1. gabriel101x1


      (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ or (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    2. gabriel101x1


      Just look it up on google.

    3. EmeraldStag
  8. I love the gif for your forum avatar picture, might there be a chance of telling me what it is from?

  9. That god forsaken moment, when you wake up at 7:30 on a saturaday with no reason to.

    1. EmeraldStag
    2. Space


      I woke up to get with the GMTers.

  10. Has there been a That moment, when you roll everything for an rp situation, and then your/someone elses character, was rply able to dodge/block/slice/battle/anythingelselikethese only because of the rolls being high enough?

    1. Slic3man


      Roleplay or Rollplay? ~Most RP'ers

    2. 0000


      This is why many people don't roll fights. Roleplaying fights is much more satisfying, open ended, and realistic.

  11. 2 things have hapened to me today: Figured that I should keepmy rp character but do something more with her, 2. I got Minecraft for Xbox :3 haters gonna hate and potaters gonna potate.

    1. EmeraldStag


      ALSO I think I am holding the record for fastest implementation after acceptance. I think it was maybe 5 minutes or less?

    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      *slow claps* =3

  12. That first Mountain Dew of the day before going to bed, some things are just perfet.

    1. EmeraldStag


      Mountain Dew is all I have that's cold, my perfered beverage is not to be posted here XD.

  13. That moment, when you see that Auv is looking at your topic of whateveritis. Megusta.

  14. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/55574-woah-woah-woah-what-is-this/ Finally made myself an introduction thing, it has no information, and bad puns.
  15. That amazing moment, when you think up an rp scenario that would be a great help of either killing off your char, or making interesting rp. :3

  16. Seriously thinking of makeing a VA.....but my current char.......I was planning on killing her off in some fun rp way..........and waiting for the leader of the subudai to come back is also a factor at hand........@_@.


    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda wants pandas in vanilla mine craft.

  18. New update for Rei's minimap mod, Megusta!

  19. ........I see under my Avatar picture Stone Miner........what does this mean.....I thought I was Wood Cutter at one time @_@

    1. Urahra


      It's just a title to show how many posts you've made.

  20. finished math homework worth 3 100's in homework grades, it was pretty easy too, God I love my Math teacher, now I just have to take a retake of the math sol, the school board purposfully made math harder then last year, and admitted it too, only 5 people in my class passed it and then only 8 were eligible for a retake :/

  21. Long Live Coaster and his Villinus-Swag!

    1. cometking123


      Long Live Coaster!

  22. Ha Ha hahahahahahhaahahhaha I implemented Optifine AND Rei's minimap mod into my .mincraftjar WITHOUT McPatcher. TAKE THAT SOCIETY!!!!!!

    1. EmeraldStag


      My god, the server has never runso SMoothly,...........................Silky Smooth

  23. Figured out my modloader was out of date. lol

  24. UGH added in optifine, server won't load up =_=

  25. Gonna re attempt to add in Optifine to my normal minecraft launcher. Wish me luck!!

    1. EmeraldStag


      MEGUSTA It worked :D

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