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Everything posted by EmeraldStag

  1. Going to bed, very late, Night All!!!!!!!

  2. I remember it like it was Interesting.........

  3. I do not understand the va application's perks. Does it give you the ability to make a new character be a villan. any previouse ones? Or does it only count per character?

    1. Cappy


      It allows the character you specify, generally an already existing one, to

      commit certain actions deemed villainous on the server. They are per-character, and only apply for that character.

    2. EmeraldStag


      Alright, thank you for specifying :D, Now I know how they work so I can now try to make one. Again, THANK YOU!

  4. [[Thanks for answering the questions, it really makes me want to have a golem alt. ^_^ Though, not sure if i will have time to have it be a character at this time. Still, would be fun to be one.]]
  5. That infuryating moment, when you are waiting for someone to reply on a thread, you see them VEIWING said thread, But it has been many hours and they have not replyed, nor seem to be doing anything but looking at the thread or offline.

    1. Lago


      Which thread?

  6. That moment, when you catch your sister sitting at your computor, playing on your minecraft profile on LOTC, and you unplug the internet so that she can't do any harm.

    1. Nononymous


      *Knows that awkward moment*

    2. EmeraldStag


      Not as much awkward as it was infuryiating, at least she never pressed f5

    3. Nononymous


      lolz, my sister once started talking with text slang to talk to someone

      that was bad...

  7. [[seeing as this topic is being read, I thought that it would be better to ask these four questions here. What are the limitations of the cores? Do they have to be yellow? Also can they be different shapes? How would a person go about having an rp where they are the golem being created so that they can have a golem alt character?]]
  8. [ Looks fun to be a golem, may consider it if i kill off a character.]
  9. Appearntly makeing my own painterly pack XD

    1. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      Cool! I'd love to see it when it's finished

  10. That moment, when you log off unnder a tree and you log on ontop of the tree,

    1. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      That happened to me when I was stuck in the cave of Menorcress, back when it was caved in...

  11. Icly, my character has been going over in her head on if she should become a mage. I think she might try and become one. If you have rp'ed with me, then write on this status if i should or shouldn't do it :D . ONly loking for your opinions, they would be appretiated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Awesome....now to go across deserts and oceans to go to a dock XD

    3. Guest


      I will be looking into you :) I am a teacher in a mage's college and would be glad to look into you and give you the opportunity to learn magic.

    4. EmeraldStag


      Amazing, 2 people of mages already trying to help :D makes me happy.

  12. My IC character sits in her tent alone , a lot. And even though no one hears the emotes, I make them anyway, not sure why I make them though, anway, today she was going over in her head about how she isn;t that good at combat or archery, a thought came to her mind "what about becomeing a mage?"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      I do that, I catch you emotes every now and then though.

    3. EmeraldStag


      Hmm, Becomeing a mage would give me a lot more chances to rp....and the fact of thenjourny to find a mage would create more rp for my character......still that would get in the way of rping with the subudai for a while.... so many cons and pros....

    4. Rilath


      Well, as long as you don't ask me ICly or OOCly, I could see your RP and give my opinion on whether you'd be a good addition to the guild.

  13. That moment, you find an amaing skin you want to recolor and change a lot of it to make your own, and nthen you find out it was made by someone on the forums.

  14. Wish i could, but my interwebs are messing up and my brother is in the middle of downloading Diablo 3 =_=, and close to being forced to go to bed by my mother.

  15. My MCname is the same as my forum page :D XD

  16. I like to troll on peoples statuses, is that a good thing? :D

  17. Thinking of doing a traveling preistess character, though 1: I all ready have so much on my plate, 2: I haven't read any lore on religion 3: I would have to make another skin. Your opinions on if i should or not?

    1. Xanivic


      Why not? I have around three characters in total, but I'd probably create another one.

  18. http://tinypic.com/r/fm7wua/6 My little slice of Oblivion :D Skyblock is fun.
  19. That horrible moment, wen your in PE and your doing the bikeing section, and you're out on a track, you misplace your footing and get the back of your ankle cuaght under the pedal. So painful and bloody, though thankfully nothing broken.

  20. I really hate that programs on TV cut out parts of the show that are important for transitions.

  21. I will, I will, @_@...

  22. Everything I write, I pourmy heart and soul into it, and then a friend on another server i go to goes and says he thinks what I wrote was copyied and pasted......I don't want to live in this computor generated universe anymore.

  23. Man, I really wanna go see Chrocnicel, can't beleive i havn't already.

    1. Dash_Rogers


      I was disappointed how they used their powers. So it was a disappointing movie.

  24. That moment when you realize one of three of your paintings decorating your walls have been either despawned or stolen.

    1. ΚΨΙΞ


      Nope. chuck, testa

  25. PLaying some sky block survival by myself, have the too many items mod on but won't use it unless ABSOLUTLY NESSECCSARY

    1. ΚΨΙΞ


      Nope. chuck, testa

    2. hayden34666
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