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Everything posted by EmeraldStag

  1. Going on adventures in the technic launcher.......not sure why though XD

  2. I feel like killing off my character, Midori Tengu, in order to make a new one for the same group.......got the idea of an awesome character that would be perfect for the Subudai.......Just so unsure of what to do, Probably just my brain random thinking from it being late and haveing just finished my project.....opinions if you want to post them, good or bad, I really do not care. Just post a comment on this if you feel like I should or shouldn't.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      But but but, then who will we have to be mistaken as a man. q.q But seriously, it up to you, if feel as though this would be a better character then sure.

    3. Priest Bryce Grimson

      Priest Bryce Grimson

      How about....a bad guy.... :P

    4. Priest Bryce Grimson

      Priest Bryce Grimson

      How about....a bad guy.... :P

  3. Realised I can shorten powerpoint to be shorter then I thought.....oral presentation only needs to be three minutes long.....I did too much work >_

    1. EmeraldStag


      UGH I need a break but it is due tomorrow! what do I do....it is also 10 at night !_!

  4. Now, waiting for download to complete, then makeing my powerpoint with a program I can understand :D

  5. That moment, when you thought halflings were only half human/half whatever, not very short people @_@.

    1. EmeraldStag


      ^^^^^^ and you just found out that they are short people.

  6. Anone Know of a good powerpoint makeing program that is free?

  7. Finished with the research......my god.......it had so much info for one guy.......he was truely a badass person......must.......make........POWERPOINT >_

  8. Ugh, I really don't feel like finishing this project, but I will fail the class if I don't And then even if i finish it, another history project will be handed out =_= my hisotry teacher is a basterd

    1. EmeraldStag


      Finally at the freaking end of this guy's life, and now just to write some things about it then off to make a powerpoint.....would anyone know of a program for this that is fre?

  9. Well, I'm on the final leg of the research, just two more important things about this guy's life are needed, which are very interesting, and then.....that blasted Power Point @_@

  10. Well, time to finish my history project of research and a powerpoint, that is due tomorrow, well, I have some research done, a little more will be needed and then comes the powerpoint, then...........I need to find a god damn flash drive @_@ can anyone say C- grade?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Thank you!!!!

      Time to rip some more words off wikipediea, and then replace them with others in my project. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Murdering the words and bringing them back as different ones.

    3. TheScarletNog


      Haha. Sounds legit.

    4. TheScarletNog


      Haha. Sounds legit.

  11. *megaultrasuperspecialawesomeWhoTheHellDoYouThinkIAmThisIsTheDrillThatWillPeirceTheHeavensdoubleultradekerinflamedbloodygoreaficationWeaponizationTaximacationI'mAWeezzerdFroxenAlchemeicimplosion Facepalms at the ban report on Gaius* wow, that was a really poorly made ban report.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      click on my profile, it is VERY LONG XD

    3. xmrsmoothx


      And a very poorly done kill.

    4. Lago


      It was legitimate.

  12. OK time to start my history project powerpoint due wendsday......

    1. EmeraldStag


      How fawked am I :D?

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda thinks you may be fawked.

    3. EmeraldStag


      TO WIKIPEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Goodnight everybody.

  14. Thank you for your comment, it really brightened my day :D

  15. Rep went up by 1, it is now 3, YES! http://i47.tinypic.com/11il1lu.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ryno2


      I approve of the Mercury image

    3. Skippy
    4. EmeraldStag


      Mercury Image @_@ what is you talking about?

  16. Juan does not simply walk into Mordor,..................He tangos.

  17. Back from the Beach thing, It was fun, though too many people revving their engines.

  18. Can't wait to get home on sunday, going to a beach house today and staying the night there, I has somethin important to post on Urara's picture thread but cannot post it now. I will be back, EMeraldSwag, OUT!!!!

  19. Makeing a few points before going to sleep: 1. if you post that MC.Net is working for you, then please for the love of GOD, say weather or not your Minecraft is working. 2. Remember to vote. 3. Urara is a very epic person. THAT IS ALL, Goodnight Everybody, See you sunday night.

  20. =_= gotta wait for minecraft.net to come back so that i can take a front/back pic of my skin......y u be down when most needed mc.net?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Skin changed back to steve auto for offline play.

    3. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      Patience Stag of Emeralds, the net of mined crafts shall be up once more.

    4. EmeraldStag


      Hopefully soon, I have to get up earlyer to go to a family members beach house thing then to the beach and shiz. some form of weekend family thing with me my mom and older sister, gonna be away from my laptop for 24 hours @_@ so much sadness.

  21. Orly now? :D Megusta.

  22. That moment, when you open up your profile, click topics, and select you application to whatever you are applying for, and you go to the page, but find that it isn't under review still.

  23. Not gonna be on tomorrow, going to a hotel on the beach with family, just mini vacation before summer or something whateves

  24. 2020 profile views.

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