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Status Replies posted by Space

  1. he has no style, he has no grace; 

  2. >denies final a man renowned for hard work and fairness during a taxing period upcoming for staff



    :~; @Space, try listening to this

  4. You guys all see these new player apps? We're getting an influx, which means it's time for veteran players and those who are smart enough to know how to behave to shape up. enough with the overly meme-y roleplay and immersion-breaking dialogue and actions, keep it low on the OOC. be a role model, and show some standards. fun can be had without being memelords. the servers want a good roleplaying experience (and PvP too i reckon, but rp is just as important)

  5. im addicted to dabbing on the haters

  6. wish i had a sugar daddy that donated 250 bucks to lotc for me so i can spam potatoes and throw away money when ppl irl need it, lol!

  7. i feel like 13 entities getting land in the next map at start is a bit much

  8. oh wow big sutica event everyone tp'd out i wonder what's goi-- https://i.gyazo.com/60ca911f5bc957ea5b8d3240b35d40a1.png


  9. what is the lotc twitch channel?


  10. oh wow big sutica event everyone tp'd out i wonder what's goi-- https://i.gyazo.com/60ca911f5bc957ea5b8d3240b35d40a1.png


  11. oh wow big sutica event everyone tp'd out i wonder what's goi-- https://i.gyazo.com/60ca911f5bc957ea5b8d3240b35d40a1.png


  12. do you think the people who complain about rp fighting are the same people who abuse the **** out it and make it so **** in the first place?

    1. Space


      because this is something we care about and enjoy and wish to better? because why the hell not

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  13. do you think the people who complain about rp fighting are the same people who abuse the **** out it and make it so **** in the first place?

    1. Space


      ok so you admit your statement of ' the mix of pvp with rp gives it context and meaning ' was incorrect and you were misspeaking right?

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  14. do you think the people who complain about rp fighting are the same people who abuse the **** out it and make it so **** in the first place?

    1. Space


      I don't know the idea that PVP is somehow more fresh and engaging than RP seems a bit wild to me buddy. And the idea that 'PVP mix' is what gives RP context and meaning is ******* wild. Do you think people who don't PVP don't have any context or meaning to their RP?

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  15. do you think the people who complain about rp fighting are the same people who abuse the **** out it and make it so **** in the first place?

    1. Space


      Roleplay should and does achieve those things much better.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  16. do you think the people who complain about rp fighting are the same people who abuse the **** out it and make it so **** in the first place?

    1. Space


      i can name like a million servers that focus on pvp that died too..............................

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  17. do you think the people who complain about rp fighting are the same people who abuse the **** out it and make it so **** in the first place?

    1. Space


      whenever i rp fought in asulon i hated it


      the few times i've rp fought since then (i steer clear as much as possible) it hasn't been that bad in most circumstances (even if i lose, i feel like that's fine, cause i'm like properly roleplaying my soyboy character or w.e.)


      so what i'm trying to say is these subjective metrics are kinda shitty. i would definitely feel rp has vastly improved since asulon and anthos, but you don't

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  18. do you think the people who complain about rp fighting are the same people who abuse the **** out it and make it so **** in the first place?

    1. Space


      don't get assplained ofc that's a broad generalization but there are some people that seem to fit it...... obviously there are valid criticisms.................

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  19. why are all the sweaty pvp videos when people are in op af gear or outnumbering people??? sick man you kited people on a horse gj!!

  20. Not gonna lie, I kinda miss the villain applications. I also kind of miss when the application to get on the server could be compared to a college dissertation.

  21. Not gonna lie, I kinda miss the villain applications. I also kind of miss when the application to get on the server could be compared to a college dissertation.

  22. Free skin i just finished, pm me if you want it: https://gyazo.com/0fc919b82125dd3d4fb7683aa7af8c8e 

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