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Status Replies posted by TheRoyalOnion(Aris)

  1. Am I the only one that gets hardcore munchies at night? I mean...Seriously why am I so hungry all the time? ;3;

  2. First time playing my Halfling in a bit, lotso Halfling RP in Lenfarthing, aah. :D

  3. Making a Halfling but not sure where to start? Pm me(UrtrollingBuddy) Aris(TMdeath) or Milo(Matt011011)

  4. Anyone have a halfling skin they'll be willing to let me use?

  5. Mob farms are bad, mmmkay?

  6. No open ban reports or ban appeals. Wot o.O

  7. Mob farms are bad, mmmkay?

  8. Has the server started up? I'm too lazy to check. ;-;

  9. Has the server started up? I'm too lazy to check. ;-;

  10. Join me... I'm going to perform a satanic ritual in the middle of my all school meeting tomorrow... http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html

  11. Is the server down?

  12. So restarts...What's with this one?

  13. I feel like I am beating a dead horse, but is there any taverns needing running :3

  14. Media Team's got some big projects in the works. Hope you guys ready your bodies for all dis :3

  15. Im bored, How's everyones day...

  16. The GM's, and Admins do something good for the server, and people still complain :/. This is why they may not work quite as fast.

  17. Coal mines... Ok... Useful how? I can just burn wood to charcoal.

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Connor, you could just seek out the location of the mines through rp methods...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  18. And thus, even more players are banned for silly reasons. People wonder why our numbers are dropping.

  19. Awww yeah! In the coming update of MC, mobs can be named. http://i35.tinypic.com/ic5jyx.png Dat horse.

  20. Why does everyone grasp onto every little thing that happens and wring as much drama and jokes from it as they can T.T

  21. Why does everyone grasp onto every little thing that happens and wring as much drama and jokes from it as they can T.T

  22. DarkSouls > Skyrim.

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      You must be a much better player than me! I took quite a while going through and reading lore books, doing small sidequests and things like that. I really enjoyed the game but everyone has their own opinions.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

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