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Status Replies posted by Vanir

  1. Am I really that mean?

  2. Is there a official list of plants/medical herbs somewhere on the forums?

  3. So, Are raid rules just... Sorta disregarded as a whole now? #ProhibitionLOTC

  4. I'm back beeches

  5. I think I just banned every flay

  6. Why does it seem that in the past two-three weeks inflation has happened so dramatically. Diamonds have gone from 350-400 minas to 250-300 usually, iron from 25-30 to 15-20, and gold has dropped from 120-150 down to 60-80 minas a bar. What is this madness?

  7. Wishing I was in London for the closing ceremony. How amazing was that?!

  8. Making my mum watch Old Spice Commercials with me :3

  9. Can anyone help with this? It keeps telling me java.net.UnknownHostException: session.minecraft.net whenever I try to log in.

  10. I need to deal with my anger somehow... I was a big jerk today. Any tips? :\

  11. In need of someone to turn a skin into a dwarf using more player models. Anyone willing to help a fellow out? :3

  12. Goodbye LOTC, going to Canada on a boring fishing trip. So I'll be gone for four days T_T

  13. Goodbye LOTC, going to Canada on a boring fishing trip. So I'll be gone for four days T_T

  14. Get off my lawn cause it hurts my feelings

  15. Anyone else having trouble logging into LotC? Mine freezes when I try to log in.

  16. Hello LotC, I was thinking of doing a (almost) Daily blog for my character. (Kinda like Journal enteries) What do you guys think?

  17. I find playing my sewer rat Duran extremely fun.

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