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Status Replies posted by Vanir

  1. telltale GoT episode 4... my god...

  2. Two finals today, les do dis

  3. Congratulations on my boy Lark for getting trial GM.

  4. Is anyone else crashing horribly?

  5. Yet another dissapointing hockey season in Vancouver. :(

    1. Vanir


      i would love for a Canadian team to win the Cup one time in my life :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  7. high elf acid cannot burn oren kings.

  8. All the defensives and traps at the front gate for them just to go walk around and tnt another. Well played =^(

  9. Yearly Trivia: How many confirmed kills did Kahzo get at the warclaim for the Harbinger Manor/Lennial.. whatever.

  10. A global moderator with 80 posts... Activity for years bby :^)

  11. Looking for some good skin makers able to make Knight/Armour skins. Hit me up with a PM if you're interested!

  12. has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

  13. Looking for some good skin makers able to make Knight/Armour skins. Hit me up with a PM if you're interested!

  14. i really dont have a status to update so ye lets juts pretend?

  15. Paging TaylorStriffe. Clean out your inbox, I'm trying to send you something.

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