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Status Replies posted by Vanir

  1. You realize, if you all just continue the war, uhm. Are the GM's going to ban every militant in Oren and Urguan?

  2. that moment when ~40 people log off the server around the same time, you know it's game of thrones time.

  3. a-a-axlrose hath returned

  4. Ban people for breaking raid rules? HOW DARE SHE!? (Nice work GM team. A precedent needed setting.)

  5. Where is there a need for a temp map? I don't understand

  6. *quietly chants 'Temp map time'*

  7. GoT/ASoIaF has this strange ability to make me just stop and cry, simply because of a song or a few key words.

  8. Finland v. Canada finals would be so cash.

  9. so is red rose day gonna be a thing again today in RP?

  10. after what an old and dear friend of mine has said recently, its really got me wondering; how many of you liked "the old snowshovel" far better than my current self? please be honest

  11. im gonna try to get all the bandits raiders and big pvpers on the server to do ONE DAY of rp default just to remind everyone how absolutely awful it was

  12. Is it true we're moving to a temp map in 2 weeks? I like anthos.

  13. I'm smoking meth with Queen Katherine in RP and IRL

  14. It's really odd, I was just robbed, and like someone who seemed to be a high-ranking human just was like "that sounds fun" when the person said he was robbing me. Whats up with the humans right now?

  15. -20 outside right now, with the windchill it feels like -35. Canada, eh?

  16. I had quite a few plans and partys for today but since the servers has been down for christmas i guess they're ruined :L

  17. FM's...you have a job to do.

  18. Guys, I was looking at a br in Aegis, I hate all of you. I was a 12 year old getting bullied by 20 year old neckbeards who didn't try to help me :( I am crying.

  19. This background is excellent, it would be awesome if it changed into caves and lava as you scrolled further down! :)

  20. Thank you to TheEpicFiend and Acornlad for that event, I admit that I actually stayed interested the entire time.

  21. I guess there are such things as map rooms now.. http://gyazo.com/b3e9fea715025f1fa6965a6042d2af97

  22. *makes a lightsaber from cleric magik*


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