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Morkas (Wrathstar555)

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Status Updates posted by Morkas (Wrathstar555)

    1. LaCabra (Soda)
    2. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      happy to spread the word, especially something I agree so strongly with :)

    3. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      happy to spread the word, especially something I agree so strongly with :)

  1. #starttheserver-stopthe#'s

  2. 100th post, and I've only been on for like a month and a half :O

    1. Space


      I have like 455 and I've been on for a little over2 months.

    2. Demotheus


      Most forums i've been on activly I've gotten over 500 posts in a matter of a month or 2

    3. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      well then, bring on the gloating... :P

  3. 2 more days, then I'm home free :O

  4. 5 days til my birthday, and I still don't know what I want...

    1. Strawberry114


      I want a mansion, and a unicorn, and a Jaguar..

    2. Scipp3r


      You want a LotC VIP

  5. a sad day, but it was a good one in terms of RP. Darius, you will be missed :(

  6. Ah, DayZ. You never fail to disappoint :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steelersfan1221
    3. Lykos


      Research proves explosives to be the best solution to Russians.

    4. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      or a healthy dose of AS50

  7. Any other LOTC'ers have Mech Warrior? If you don't, try it! it's a wicked fun free-to-play beta where you're a giant freaking robot!

  8. anybody else have a birthday today? :D

    1. Reader


      'appy Burfdayy!

    2. hosper


      My Brother :D

    3. JoakimVonAnka


      Happy birthday! I got mine in ~two weeks.

  9. anyone else watch the series finale of house?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soran


      I cried a bit...manly tears of courrse (not really)

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda does not approve of house.

    4. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      ^agree with both, but it's so sad! :(

  10. anyone got a good place to watch Game of Thrones online? Don't want to download, just wanna stream.

    1. Space


      Just download it from thepiratebay.sx you... cheapo.

    2. mmat



    3. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Meh, pirate bay killed one of my old PCs w/ a virus, don't trust it anymore.

  11. As if slender man wasn't scary enough already - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm6PGh2fvTg

    1. Miquill


      My god all these things about him scare the crap out of me

  12. Back, and ready for some LOTC

  13. been a couple crazy days, between fourth of july, and a crap load of family time, I haven't had much time for the server. I'm back now though, and excited to be so! Don't forget to vote! http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

    1. Korvic


      Welcome back! ^_^

  14. buying arma 2, combined operations this afternoon :D

  15. downloading dayz at the moment, should be able to play tomorrow :D

  16. Finally finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender... what an awesome show, and I'm sad I'm done with it, but it means more time on LOTC now! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      NEVER! I watched a few episodes, but I just don't like it as much as the last airbender.

    3. mmat


      Badass Azula is badass ;D

    4. 0000


      You have to keep watching. It's.. awesome. Much more mature as well, and still as cool.

  17. Finally updated my signature, thanks Bodiroga for doing my signature for me! Check it out, it's awesome! :3

  18. For those of you who were wondering, I was on vacation for the past two weeks, and I am happy to be back, and look forward to playing LOTC with you all :)

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