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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. No I just get the feelings...

    The vibe you are given off says "I HATES THE COW"

  2. Well then, you eat my kind, and also insult me for being poor and not affording steak...

    You my good sir, are a very rude person

  3. We are frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeends :P

  4. Thanks for the amazing skin :D Sorry I didn't see it sooner :3

  5. Hay :D Thanks for the skin, but I'm having trouble downloading it :/

    Help? :P

  6. Lol I'm a n00bz in computers XD

    Thanks, if I have anymore problems I'll tell ya

  7. Samo whens the next the turn for the civi. game XD

  8. Also samo: Can I make a forum roleplay like the civi. one, but with a more planetary ideal to it? Thanks :P

  9. Dude, I love the monks, their roleplay is AMAZING, but I think they are just not with depth IC and only OOC, ya know? I've not once seen a monk go outside the temple, yet they are said to be the peace keepers of asulon, ya? It was just my thoughts, sorry

  10. Kaiser

    you are a house now?

  11. Kaiser

    No -_-

    You are not a house

  12. Kaiser

    I shall never except such blasphemy

    You sir...

    They have a special place in hell for people like you

    Right next to Hitler and the man who created blues clues

  13. Lol lego, was that ship you pulled in on the galaxy rp my ship XD can't tell sometimes

  14. Lol in the star wars Forum Roleplay we have the exact same situations except your ACTUALLY lost in space and I'm just trying to kill people XD

  15. now I'm coming to your ship :3

  16. :P dun call me a fool

  17. Hay, sorry but I had some OOC

  18. [Oops hit enter to fast] I had some OOC issues and had to sleep anyways, and I did respond to your thing :P I shall go back now if you want

  19. Well it was a while back, I'll just make a new one :P

  20. I see what I did >.

    I was talking about another post, but your were talking about a post you made after that one, I apologize, I'll go on now

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