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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. How to.. Make my signature a gif ?

    1. Dargene


      Better Rephrase, How can i make a gif my signature.

  2. Because of the Bank glitch we had with the DEBUG thingy, should i modreq and ask for my 1832 minas back ?

  3. Me and friend playing DayZ, Both trying to find eachother, both get pinned down, after 10 mins of waiting and shooting, turns out that we where both shooting eachother xD

  4. Happy Birthday Irene.. No idea who you are but yeah have a good one :D

    1. Rhia


      Thank you! :>

  5. 2k Profile views O.o uhh what

    1. SparehoeCakes


      10.6k Umm what. :P

  6. Thanks panda for replying to my blagh status

  7. How do i change my Forum titlke

  8. Why is it that the best rp i have had in ages, is being kidnapped..

    1. Reader


      Once, I got kidnapped by both Wrath and Prince within 3 months time..

  9. I am terrible at making skins ;( and was wondering if anyone could take the head of this skin http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/archer-139854/ And place it on a body that just has a dark loincloth on (Since i am a mori slave)

    1. Elfen_


      Lol your head is so derpy. ................................................................

  10. Bloody Corrupt faction server the gm's aboosed and spawned stuff in and call us hackers -_-

  11. Ahh i love being the AI on space station 13

    1. gingernut97


      So do I- oh wait, I have a mac- can't play Space Station 13 :P

  12. Mass effect Question of the day: Did you sabotage the genophage cure, Or did you Help the krogan ?

    1. Jarkarll


      I helped da Krogan's brah. I was Paragon.

  13. Hackers on dayZ.. Not sure if i like them or hate them.. They spawned in guns and stuff me and some dudes killed them and stole there stuff...

    1. Nononymous


      Ever hear of the game "Bots" by Acclaim before they got shut down? Now that was a game where hackers were loved.

  14. Might play alan wake.. is it scary ?

    1. Samoblivion


      Kind of...

      But the story is brilliant.

  15. 4 Rep :O *Sits on top of them* Soon they shall hatch into more!

  16. One mistake-- BOOM hated...

    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I think I may be in the situation...

  17. D: pc broken, think its the motherboard.... netbook sucks..so small and have to hitsomeofthe keys to get a response.... like the Space key

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Better news, I got the tekkit server up!

  18. School -_-.. at least the girl i like goes there ^^

    1. xFrozt


      that's the spirit!

  19. Jesus.. So many Forum rps im in now....

  20. Go check out this awesome game called planet explorers, its a free indie game and is quite fun :D

    1. FlareGunCalamity


      huh. I didn't know you still existed.

  21. >.

    1. Urahra


      It sometimes takes a minute to change. Don't worry. :)

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