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Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

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About Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

  • Birthday 01/11/1998

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    Lots of stuff. mainly power lifting and football.

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  1. People like to call it powergaming to put on your armor quickly, but to be fair a Minecraft day is about 30 minutes. So, wouldn't it actually take a really long time if you equipped it in like... 5 seconds? Anyone else seeing that?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elfen_


      Roleplay it or you have powergamed. Simple as that. No roleplay, no fun.

    3. ek_knight


      Time is kind of a weird thing in ths case but you really can't measure it tht way because if we did all of our cigars would be speaking really slowly.

    4. Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

      Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

      Well, think about it. A day is 24 hours. A minecraft day is like 30 minutes. That means 1 hour in game would actually be 1/24 of 30. that is 1.25. So 1.25 minutes would be 1 hour. To slide into armor, that would likely take... 10 minutes? I'm not fully sure, I know Diamond could take longer. That would be about... 15-20 seconds or so? Therefore, it should take no longer than that to rightfully equip anything that is Iron or less. My math be wrong, I didn't work any of this on actual p...

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