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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by meg

  1. Yay! Daimond VIP!

  2. I have no idea what I'm doing!

  3. I have no idea what I'm doing!

  4. Unban Auv! (I'm not doing the hastag thing :P)

  5. Woot! My elvish princess just Klomped with an orc, that was beautiful!

  6. A GM does their job? Everybody freak out!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yekim8


      VA revoke is out of order.

    3. Respiren


      He was recently unblacklisted, this was a mistake.

    4. Mizu/Uzim


      The things that they are doing is out of line from the topic , as in va revoked? that has to deal with something they did as being a villian, not sticking to there va , but to revoke someones va for a subject on TEAMSPEAK is un called for

  7. Omnomnom Cinnamon rolls!

    1. Mystery


      Sounds Tasty... Sort of >.<

    2. Violet Frost
    3. Violet Frost
  8. Omnomnom Cinnamon rolls!

  9. I'm staying up much later than I should be! WOO!

    1. CTap


      *Turns 6:00*


      *Turns 6:01*


  10. I'm staying up much later than I should be! WOO!

  11. Woo! Drunken Elf Parties!

    1. Braxis


      Pffft Drunk half elf parties are better :3

  12. DDOSers, bad troll is bad....

    1. Mystery


      I know right. What people can DDOS and not use correct spelling and grammar -Nimae <3

    2. Tee-Tree


      DDOSing is one of te easyist ways to hack Its basicly for posers

  13. DDOSers, bad troll is bad....

  14. Blah, none of the people I usually RP with are on....

    1. Bawg


      Want to roleplay with a orc?

    2. Bawg


      Want to roleplay with a orc?

    3. Mystery


      I will be on later today.

  15. Muahha I'm never going to sleep!

  16. The server and forums sure do slow down at four o'clock in the morning. Central time that is.

  17. The server and forums sure do slow down at four o'clock in the morning. Central time that is.

  18. Can anybody else not connect to the server?

  19. I don't mind mage fights, but why do they have to be on the construction sight of the Malinor College? :P

    1. Korvic


      Because -PEW PEW-

      -Falls to death-

    2. meg


      Nooo Korvic! I hardly knew thee!

    3. meg


      Nooo Korvic! I hardly knew thee!

  20. Aurgh, I need a break.

  21. I should go to sleep. But I'm going to stay up JUST BECAUSE!

  22. Wheee Princess time! :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Hush Uthor!

      *Beats him with an Anti-Uthor Stick from his batman belt*

      I'm Batman!

    3. Salamandra


      I wanna be a princess too ._.

    4. Salamandra


      I wanna be a princess too ._.

  23. Love the flays, not even attempting RP, just BOOM PvP :P

    1. Xanfyr


      I know what you mean there....

  24. Can anyone connect to the server?

    1. Glyc


      It's back now

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