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Waverly Antoinette

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Status Replies posted by Waverly Antoinette

  1. The Dwarve's government is changing again? Who woulda guessed it.

  2. Someone made me kill my chickens... :( They loved me.

  3. When is the update!?

  4. Panda needs to start getting more sleep and stop staying up until 5 am so the purple narwhals will stop impaling her with their nautical horns.

  5. Here's an interesting question, if you could have one superpower, what would it be?

  6. finished new sig... here it is :3 http://i.imgur.com/cr51D.gif i really like how it turned out its a lil big for lotc forums but meh! STILL USING IT >:V

  7. When the time comes, all of time will be worth it's time.


  9. Feeling like a marmot.

  10. Forward Scotsmen!

  11. That moment when..

  12. That moment when..

  13. Help: Does anyone know if I change my email address for forums, will be account b reset?

  14. Everybody wave!

  15. Su what happened with the new shop plugin o.o?

  16. Glad Dilara dealt with that "situation" :3

  17. >Vardak is drunk >??? >Profit!

  18. People who have seen the movie, "Red Dawn", whats your rating? Mine: 9/10

  19. Saying something hurtful to someone you care about sucks, even if it is for the best...

  20. I'm going to have nightmares tonight...

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