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Status Replies posted by Fid

  1. Apparently, Scythe blades cant pierce armor, even when swung at full force. Also, did you know that there is no gap in between helmet and chestplate? I certainly didn't.

  2. 37 people online... I was gonna rob people but it appears that Lotc has become just another minecraft server....

  3. 37 people online... I was gonna rob people but it appears that Lotc has become just another minecraft server....

  4. Feeling pretty good right now. Accepted my first application. :D.

  5. 37 people online... I was gonna rob people but it appears that Lotc has become just another minecraft server....

  6. 37 people online... I was gonna rob people but it appears that Lotc has become just another minecraft server....

  7. In school, and on the forums, suddenly school is not that bad. :3

  8. Is it weird that I think that this is awesome? http://www.carrotmuseum.co.uk/

  9. 37 people online... I was gonna rob people but it appears that Lotc has become just another minecraft server....

  10. Who is this "Niedster"?

  11. Who is this "Niedster"?

  12. Gonna take wrath out of hiding now that hes fully recovered from his reincarnation. Maybe the clutch will get some use before the end of asulon... Prepare for some roadside robberies though.

  13. Congrats guys.. You bitched and moaned your way to virtually no robbers in asulon. I guess if you cry enough you can make huge holes in the rp realism of travel.

  14. Congrats guys.. You bitched and moaned your way to virtually no robbers in asulon. I guess if you cry enough you can make huge holes in the rp realism of travel.

  15. -Plays inspiring music, while BSing Algebra 2 homework- I got this.

  16. I officially cannot open minecraft... or get on LOTC. Its the stupid "Bad Video Card Drivers" thing...

  17. I officially cannot open minecraft... or get on LOTC. Its the stupid "Bad Video Card Drivers" thing...

  18. I officially cannot open minecraft... or get on LOTC. Its the stupid "Bad Video Card Drivers" thing...

  19. making a Halfling First name Folco and no sur name yet

  20. I officially cannot open minecraft... or get on LOTC. Its the stupid "Bad Video Card Drivers" thing...

  21. I officially cannot open minecraft... or get on LOTC. Its the stupid "Bad Video Card Drivers" thing...

  22. Time to make a halfling character. SuperSodaPops, wherever you are, I hope I'm making you proud.

  23. So, 3 people have been converted into Halflings this week. BOOGLE BOGGLE BOOGLE BOGGLE, ONE OF US, ONE OF US.

  24. Am I like the only one that loves the bandages?

  25. How many MC days per IRL day, again?

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