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Sir Kibble (KingSir)

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Status Updates posted by Sir Kibble (KingSir)

  1. Just returned from my (Not that) holy crusade to the (Not quite) sacred mainland! My (Not holy at all) pilgramige has ended in (I suppose) success! Praise be to that one star that's always there but leaves your vision the moment you look directly at it!~

  2. Groeten en knuffen uit Nederland! ^w^See you all next week! Perhaps!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Eledyr


      Nederlanders? NEEEE! domme noorderburen xD

      joking joking ofcourse

    3. XkynarethX


      It is een shnitzl.

    4. MonkeyCoffee
  3. Heading for Holland for 10 days! ^w^ See you later everyone!~

    1. MrSyth


      VISIT MEH. :3 where you going?

    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Apeldoorn!~ Grandparents 50th anniversary, so we're celebrating! x3 Yaaay!~

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Nu Kibbles!!!!! Panda will miss you ...

  4. 1st of September!~ Download limit has been renewed!~

  5. Disrespecting the peasantry, eh? Mikhail will have Kaitlyn's head for this!

  6. Now, I'm not a religous person. In fact I'm atheist, and quite strongly so. Recently, we got three goldfish to put into our pond out front. In order to karmaticly balance myself, I decided to name them after gods. Hello there, Amaterasu, Vishnu, and Morgan Freeman!~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      *throws all his money at him* Shut Up And Take All My Money!

    3. Samoblivion


      *Gordon Freeman.

      Fixed that for ya.

    4. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Oops! Heretic alert! No hard feelings, but Morgan Freeman is one of the few gods I can live here. Come over here, I need to borrow your neck!~

  7. Using Opera... The forums work... Why has noone told me of this witchcraft before? D:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~



    3. misssasy11


      Chrome...that is all :D

    4. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Goldfish into nectarines...? Panda, what did you put into my coffee? ._.'

  8. Sorry mate! I've been 1) Busy, 2) Lazy, 3) Mentally preparing for the hardships of school! Blame society, not me!

  9. Just passed 1300 profile views... So people have seen what I'm doing 1300 times? Scary, when you think about it...

    1. SparehoeCakes


      No, 1300 + 1 people have vied your profile. It only counts when new people view your profile.

    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      So... 1301 DIFFERENT people have seen what I'm doing...? o.o

  10. Panda, I keep telling you to take breaks... >_

  11. Does one need to be Old Hat/Moderator/Other title of importance or honour to change one's member title?

    1. Twilight Druid
    2. SparehoeCakes


      Which is 50 away from Old hat, so shoot for old hat.

    3. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      450 posts? So... I'm already a sixth of the way there...

  12. David Bowie's "Let's Dance" is in Elite Beat Agents... Just when I thought this game couldn't be more win...

  13. Mother of god... It finaly happened... At-Vat War... *Stares out the window* Goodbye, world as I know it. It was nice knowing you...

  14. My attempts at drawing are going rather well... Even if it has been two years since I last started drawing...

    1. gingernut97
    2. Dyn


      I did one drawing of one of my characters. It was pretty bad but i liked it.

  15. I've decided to re-teach myself how to draw. After being amazed by talented people for TOO LONG, I'm taking a stand and attempting to join the circle of excellence dominated by many of my friends. Internet, you're my new mentor...

    1. Merkaken


      I tried to draw my character... Then lit it on fire at the gross-ness of my skills >_<

    2. Haelphon


      *cough* Wyvernos is a sexy drawer *cough*

  16. Started my blog today. I'm going to see how long I can last before running out of ideas or simply forgetting. Hooray!

  17. When you say "Jumping for joy", are you jumping because you are happy, or are you happy to be jumping?

    1. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Jump FOR joy would indicate that you jump to be happy... Happy to be jumping, thus.

    2. Elfen_


      It can mean both.

  18. I have an electric jetpack and a solar-helmet on tekkit... I look like an idiot, but I feel like a super-hero...

    1. Dargene


      Know the feeling dude, know the feeling.

  19. Bwah... I'm not getting enough sleep... My eyes hate me... Internet, why do you have to be so intresting...? p_p

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      King sir, just pour hotsawce in your eyes, that should solve more than one problem! Like keep you off the Internet 0w0

  20. I am now a Tree-Puncher of Vengeance! Level Up!

  21. [NOOB QUESTION ALERT!] Do you need a magic application to brew potions now? o.O Or does it tie in with the whole "Herbalism" skill?

    1. Austin


      herbalism isn't magic

    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      I know that, but potions may be considered to be magic. So is it just herbalism that I need?

  22. Dragurtongue... Looks like Blaze Powder to me.

  23. Playing Okamiden like a Sir. Can't help but feel like Panda would ADORE this...

  24. 00.11. Happy Sunday, everyone! ^_^

  25. Thank you again for the amazing skin Antharin! ^_^ I absolutly adore it! I'm currently debating with my friend which animal is perched atop my head, though... XD

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