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Status Replies posted by Sentlit

  1. Regardless of the differences in age between people, if anyone doesn't agree that this was the best period in musical history, I shall slaughter them:

  2. I wonder what RP would be happening if the Undead didn't fall...

  3. I love it when peeople get their internet feelings hurt and make a ban report.

  4. What do you imagine your character`s voice sounding like?

  5. What do you imagine your character`s voice sounding like?

  6. I now know how to tie a bow tie. Coincidentally, I now own a bow tie. Bow ties are cool.

  7. I now know how to tie a bow tie. Coincidentally, I now own a bow tie. Bow ties are cool.

  8. And then came the torrent of magic applications.

  9. And then came the torrent of magic applications.

  10. I wonder where the frosties are chillin' out in 3.0...

  11. I wonder where the frosties are chillin' out in 3.0...

  12. Just had my first bite of sushi... It has such a strange taste I cannot say if it is good or bad :3

  13. Just had my first bite of sushi... It has such a strange taste I cannot say if it is good or bad :3

  14. How do we teach illusion to our students? Stab them with illusionary dagger for weeks, and then finally one day down the line actually stab them... Keep them on their toes.

  15. How do we teach illusion to our students? Stab them with illusionary dagger for weeks, and then finally one day down the line actually stab them... Keep them on their toes.

  16. I love the White Rose. It's the best, most fun RP I've had since I joined the server. Been with them almost since the beginning. Love you guys.

  17. I love the White Rose. It's the best, most fun RP I've had since I joined the server. Been with them almost since the beginning. Love you guys.

  18. Urara's Pet Peeve: Calling a married woman "miss". I see everyone do this. A married woman is "Missus", "Mrs.", or "Ms." Almost everyone I know still calls me "Miss Toov" and it drive me nuts.

  19. Urara's Pet Peeve: Calling a married woman "miss". I see everyone do this. A married woman is "Missus", "Mrs.", or "Ms." Almost everyone I know still calls me "Miss Toov" and it drive me nuts.

  20. That moment when your parents kick you off the computer during important rp.

  21. I feel like doing something immature ..

  22. Happy Marry ChristmaHanaKuanzika

  23. Happy Marry ChristmaHanaKuanzika

  24. It failed for 2.0, and it has failed for this. World Editing in the boats live is just a bad idea XD

  25. Commenting on statuses is still causing double-posting... >.

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