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Status Updates posted by rukio

  1. *shall now wait till the actual server is back*

  2. *should pretend she forgot her PE clothes at home* Ebil ebil PE teacher....Ebil ebil...

  3. *simply makes Iblees 'Wither' away* "Now then..." *throws you back to the Land Before Time*

  4. *sits in a corner working on a VA while waiting for server* ...Would you expect Wither to become a killer? D:

  5. *spins around in a chair* weeeeeee

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Lol. Bored out of your mind?

    2. rukio


      Nah, just easily amused. ^^

    3. aron.


      *follows her example*

  6. *stares at you after the monks revive us* "..."

  7. *throws a pumpkin in retaliation*

  8. *throws a snowball at you* :>

  9. *too lazy to check after PE* Do violins exist in LotC?

    1. Shadeleaf



      and lutes...

    2. rukio


      Oh sweet......

  10. *tries to make a new character* *instantly goes back to Wither*

  11. *will never encourage egging again* Killing chickens gets boring. XD

  12. *will not be defeated, throws Aron's house*

  13. 2.5 hours, 7.5 miles, you don't want to know how long I was up before that~!

  14. 999 posts, better make your next one memorable.

  15. A girl beat me over the head with my notebook upon finishing my latest story. She wanted a happy ending, and it ended in such a way as to imply it repeats over and over and over. My head hurts. :c

    1. Zerlina


      Stephen King?

  16. A1C is going donw, 8.4, and kidneys are still healthy. yay.

    1. rukio


      *down not donw sorry 'bout that typo. :D

  17. About 4 more hours....

    1. Fid


      till? Oh, yes

      Good luck, pay careful attention to detail!

  18. According to Gaius I am America. D: (I'm sorry, it made me laugh.)

    1. Wavejammers


      I think you should take it as an insult.

    2. rukio


      Nah, I just wonder why it seems lately I see 'wither' and 'withering' and 'withered' everywhere....Humm....

  19. Aha...hahahaha jogged 2 1/2 miles, came home, and tripped over my own toes >.>

  20. Algebra II honours. I think.....yes.

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Don't hurt me for it, but I hate math.

    2. Helbolt


      Calculus BC, take it, bathe in it!

  21. All them feels~

  22. Almost recruit someone....and someone else steals them. Good Job. :| xDD

  23. and then people in TS thought I was a boy :|

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