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Status Updates posted by TheRealKiru

  1. LotC went down. You monsters!

  2. I have the urge to learn magic and then VA and become a crazy arsonist that likes burning things for people.

  3. Anybody else having horrible lag problems? Hoping it's the server

  4. Can some of you kids go to bed early? The adults want a turn.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      ............maybe. I still haven't beat Civ5 with all the civilizations yet. Still need to beat it with germany... So maybe. Soon. Perhaps.

    3. Panda! At The Disco

      Panda! At The Disco

      I shall love the children forever if they do so. :o Trade coffee for warm milk and WE'RE GOOD TO GO!

    4. Hunter (sckolar)
  5. Maybe if we're lucky, some players will delete their system 32 so we can get on :D

    1. Arial Meadowbloom

      Arial Meadowbloom

      Maybe some day *sighs*

  6. My prediction: Server will be down within the first hour of 3.0 release.

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Look forward to seeing you there, man

  7. 3.0 is on the horizon! Better clam down.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog


  8. Everyone's having fun playing LotC and I'm here writing an essay. I might drop out of college just for 3.0

    1. Miquill


      Don't! Even if you're just joking, if you drop out it will be one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

  9. That Hawk thread really got out of hand rather quick.

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      >Assuming it was ever in hand.

    2. TheRealKiru


      I'll give them credit. Until early page 2, things were going smooth.

  10. I wanna give Tel glasses, but am too lazy D:

  11. I found a kimono dress skin. Wonder if it's LotC approved.

  12. If violence in videogames are real, then how come I can't use magic yet? I maxed it out in Skyrim...

    1. JtPv


      Because Liri deleted magic on the computer we call earth.

    2. Amorphbutt


      Stupid Liri, GO FIX IT!

  13. Wewt, College people go back on the 24th!

    1. Taiga


      Not me >_>

    2. lugarthecougar


      Except for those of us that go back on the 14th :(

  14. I wanna make a human with french accent

  15. I was joking. Sorry I came off as rude.

  16. New Year's Resolution: Stop procrastination and Began construction of the Deathstar in LoTC

  17. I read the new rules. A few I agree with, but prostitution really a problem in LoTC?

    1. Aiden


      Read the last post

  18. How does one downgrade again?

  19. We were doing so good to...

  20. I'm online now, trying to look for you.

    I'm TheRealKiru

  21. I just found out there's a ban report on me o3o

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      hhmmmmmm... Interesting

  22. Anyone good at skinning? I want to give my character glasses.

    1. Lykos


      I'm good at skinning in real life. Deer and boar, mostly.

  23. That feeling when you survive 5 skeleton archers with half a heart left, then die from falling into some shallow water.

  24. Cool! I want a teddy D:

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