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Status Updates posted by TheRealKiru

  1. In the Pokemon anime, what race is Ash?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. MrSyth


      Nope. Brock's an alien.

    3. gingernut97


      ^ Yup, can't you see he's an alien android? Only aliens would mess up not giving their fake human eyes, tsk, stupid aliens...

    4. xFrozt


      Ashe still 10 after 13 years ._. definitely half human and half elf

  2. I just had an awesome mini comic idea for LotC.

  3. Back from school. Back to Telrenya's page.

  4. THere's nothing on television these days.

    1. shiftnative
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Alpha's is the only reason to watch television

    3. MetaSolaray


      The toons just aren't like what I grew up too....lasigh

  5. I miss Panda. Fufu.

  6. I need to RP NOW

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRealKiru


      I can't. Darn server's down T^T

    3. Tayelikel


      I wish i knew how to make a server x.x

    4. MetaSolaray


      Then we must learn necromancy and revive the server DX IT MUST LIVE AGAIN!

  7. My eyes hurt from looking at the forums too much

  8. You still working on skin requests.

  9. They've somehow learned how to DDOS aserver for an entire day now. I'm slightly impressed.

    1. An Old Salt

      An Old Salt

      You know, I was thinking that earlier. I was like, man... these are some serious trolls. They use that sort of capability to bring down a Minecraft server? No one can seem to tell me why we haven't transferred servers or installed that device yet..

    2. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      It's because Vaquxine hasn't been on to get the hardware installed. :/ No offence, Vaq.

  10. I don't always play LotC. Wait, I do.

  11. I should really break this streak of not drawing.

  12. Brazilian DDOSer! As punishment for the cruel crime of blocking LotC, your punishment is....BURNINATION!

    1. cruzazul


      How do you know he is Brazilian?

  13. I saw Mann vs Machine for TF2 and want to play it again. D:

    1. Trevisdabomb


      Have you ever seen Team Fabulous 2 on Youtube?

    2. TheRealKiru


      Yes. Team Fabulous 2 is a very detailed recreation of every game session ever created on Team Fortress 2. That and the hat collecting.

  14. Must be another attack. *sniff*

  15. Server's up, but my Minecraft keeps crashing when I try to connect.

  16. Anybody know how I add a character page to the wiki?

  17. That feeling when you forget your website login info

  18. Was thinking of putting Telrenya in the wiki...

    1. Thrym


      Do it! More character pages would be great

  19. Fun Fact: Dr. Robotnik's mustache isn't real.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRealKiru


      He's real to me!

    3. EmeraldStag


      Then so is Sonic.

    4. TheRealKiru


      Good thing Sonic hangs around populated areas.

  20. After we get our DDos software, we should begin operation: Leaky Faucets

  21. My mind wanders on this well known DDos group and who they are.

    1. Tayelikel


      Same, if only we could trave the rp

    2. Tayelikel
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