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Mr. Etan

Ender VIP
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Everything posted by Mr. Etan

  1. I dislike borderline enchanting that has zero fuel. If you would like my suggestion make them limited use or add a fuel source.
  3. I see you repping me

    1. ToodIes


      yeah but will I see you repping me?

    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan



  4. With the bid running out of time The Dominion won at 550 Minae - A letter will be sent shortly. TRADE COMPLETE
  5. It would be noted the Enchantry will leave this to bid until later this month - so far Red & Company is the best offer. ((9PM EST since that's when I get home!))
  6. A letter is returned! "Perhaps in the future but because the Enchantry is not a combative guild we do not burn through supplies easily. If you did wish to fulfill this order please offer you're desired price and we will consider! Thank you, Sarrion "
  7. A notice is sent out to all viable merchants traders and trading co's. The Enchantry seeks to buy materials in bulk from the lowest bidder who would grant delivery - currency will be exchanged for goods at the cloud temple. We wish to buy the following: TWO carts of Ferrum Bars (2 Stacks Iron Ingots) ONE cart of Emeralds raw or cut (1 Stack Emeralds - the items not blocks) Please mail (Post a reply here) in your price and we will accept the lowest bid. Signed, The Ailer'evarir Sarrion Zytiaear
  8. A letter is returned with the wax seal of the Enchantry to each person. "We extend to you an invitation to our hall in Okarn'thilln for a private interview with either myself or one of my Magisters - Please note that we do only accept those who are Journeyman or above on the Magus scale. If you can hold to such a claim during the interview we will humbly welcome you to the guild. Please write back as soon as possible for whatever you would like to schedule an interview. ((PM Me on the Forums or add me on Discord Toxcat #1337))" Signed, Sarrion Zytiaear - The Enchanter
  9. A letter is returned with the wax seal of the Enchantry to each person. "We extend to you an invitation to our hall in Okarn'thilln for a private interview with either myself or one of my Magisters - Please note that we do only accept those who are Journeyman or above on the Magus scale. If you can hold to such a claim during the interview we will humbly welcome you to the guild. Please write back as soon as possible for whatever you would like to schedule an interview. ((PM Me on the Forums or add me on Discord Toxcat #1337))" Signed, Sarrion Zytiaear - The Enchanter
  10. A letter would be returned with the wax seal of the Enchantry. "Serenity Al'Abass, You are here by invited to the Enchantry for a formal Interview at your earliest convenience. Do note that we require mages who wish to join to rank on the Magus Scale as at least a Journeyman. Please write back at whatever time would be best for you to interview with I or one of my Magisters." Signed, Sarrion Zytiaear - The Enchanter. ((Add me on Discord if you can Toxcat #1337 - If you can't them forum PM me so we can schedule somthing!))
  11. -Established 1577- The Enchantry, a guild of scholarly individuals highly advanced in the arts of the arcane brought together with the single purpose to unify for advancement and betterment of voidal magic and its exploits privately. Let it be from its general use and applications to bettering the public view on magic the Enchantry will always be sure to keep magic used and appreciated. First Established in 1577 in Axios, a group of mages joined together to form a small covenant which slowly grew to a greater size and soon greater purpose. The guild now branches outwards to the world opening its arms for public services. Enchantments for coin or to help rid of problematic issues revolving around magic. Having a personal court mage in place to help advise one's nation of magical issues or to help teach potential new mages with very limited class space reserved for those who are personally invited. Guild Traditions The Enchantry Pendant Your fingerprint in the Enchantry - A mage's personal key and identifier in the vast world symbolizing their affiliation with the Enchantry. Commonly seen as a green gemstone with silver around it. These necklaces are bound to the user and acts as their key - if ever taken off a members person it will no longer work. Different colors symbolize different ranks. Black Stone - Associate Dull Green Stone - Acolyte Bright Green Stone - Magus Purple Stone - Keeper of Books Gold Stone - Keeper of Ways Red Stone - Seeker of Knowledge Blue Stone - The Enchanter and his Council The Enchanters Grimoire: Every member of the Enchantry upon joining is issued a personal Grimoire. These Grimoires are entirely for personal use and logging through the entire back section of the Grimoires have been enchanted. Anything written in these portions will transfer after a day to a master copy Grimoire - Allowing for the collection of knowledge (Follows the death rule - if killed the knowledge is stripped from your grimoire up to the point you would remember before death.) Each Grimoire is bound to the member with intricate magics meaning if they were ever stolen or misplaced they no longer function and appear to be blank - a new copy can be forged by its owner retaining the previous knowledge. The Enchanters Implement: Every member of the Enchantry upon joining is issued a personal implement for casting and are advised to use them as much as possible. These can come in the form of many objects ranging from wands and staves, orbs or even their own grimoire. Implements are meant to be entirely personalized and may be enchanted to further enhance capabilities. One mage may not have the same looking implement in the guild - each implement being logged with a name. Specialization Classification: Every member of the Enchantry upon Joining is issued a personal classification on the type of mage they are depending on what arcane magics they currently possess and which one they declare is a main focus of study. If they do not currently possess magic or lack said magic its based on their declaration of study. The Alterationist - One who mainly uses utility based alteration magic to change the world around them. The Battlemage - One who traditionally focuses on destruction based magic such as elemental and forceful arcane. The Conjurationist - One who focuses on Conjuration, learning how life around them works and how to conjure such especially as elementals. The Illusionist - One who focuses on Mainly illusive type magics such as Mental Magic or Sensory Illusion, Deceiving the world around them. Evarir'yallrn's Class: The Enchantry holds a tradition to help the world better current mages and create more traditionally helpful mages as opposed to selfishness and independency that magic has grown to have. To help press a better formality of magic the roll of Evarir'yallrn was created - and thus - Classes. Each class is up to three individuals to 6 max and are titled independently from each other - belonging to the Evarir'yallrn who hosts such. Classes can last between one single class to multiple depending on the planner of the Evarir'yallrn hosting such. Attendees of these classes must be personally invited by the Evarir'yallrn or assigned by The Enchanter himself.  Internal Ranking Hierarchy The guild structure is an important aspect, dictating those with weight and authority. The Enchanter - The Ailer'evarir Leader of the Enchantry Circle of the Enchanter - The Heial'ailer Selected Leaders of the Guild to council the First Enchanter Title Ranks: Seeker of Knowledge - The Uhierir'maehr Dedicated defender of the guild and the world around them. Often sent out into the world to serve as court magi or to learn for the guild. Keeper of Ways - The Evarir'yallrn Dedicated Teacher of the Enchantry to help guide new mages. Keys to the ways of teaching those how to control and respect magic. Keeper of Books - The Evarir'indor Assistant of the the Enchanter to help with Administrative purposes and help serve the guild and the Circle of the Enchanter. Main Ranks: Magus - The Talaileran Established Member of the Guild Trial Magus - The Enaer'saneyral New Member of the Guild - Two year trial period. Inductees must be at least a Journeyman on the Magus Scale. Acolyte - The Taeluir A Student or Assistant with-in the Guild Magus Scale The Enchantry recognizes all mages, in which they will be given a title for their mastery of the arcane. These are Enchantry standard scale and may be used where ever, on any mage to describe their ability. Your position on this scale will not give any weigh to the Enchantry internal Hierarchy. This scale only measures arts, not feats. Apprentice: 1 or more Arcane art, not mastered. (No T5 magics) Journeyman: 1 Arcane arts mastered. (1 T5 Magic) Evoker: 2 Arcane arts mastered. (2 T5 Magics) Sorcerer/Wizard: 3 Arcane arts mastered. (3 T5 Magics) Master Mage: 4 Arcane arts mastered. (4 T5 Magics) Arch-Mage: 5 Arcane arts mastered. (5 T5 magics) OOC Note: Anything posted on this subforum will act as mail to the Enchantry through Forum RP, please be sure to @Tox. With that said please do not comment on this subforum unless sending any official lettering (Requests to join / Inquiries). Thanks.
  12. tfw this is needed to be stated
  13. its.. its almost like.. they look the same. Who am I kidding I'm just seeing things
  14. Haha I feel like I'm in Highschool again 

    1. AlphaMoist


      Who's bullying you


  15. Household magic has always been open to learning in any way shape or form. It's encouraged to learn from someone to understand the basics of how to emote it but I care not if someone wishes to self-teach themselves household magic so long they follow the very simple rules of its application such as no combat use etc. Also, no, it will not affect the strength of the mage!
  16. Perhaps that could be raised up with the LT once this new system is accepted.. it's really all about what they will allow at this point!
  17. Thats a good point to bring up, where I do think it be interesting to have a free-form use, I do believe it should be kept in a spell list form to ensure that there is no overstepping the thin line between domesticated magic and real magic. This i why I stated in the red lines that submissions can be ran through the LT and added to the list if they approve etc. It should be more so their judgment on what is allowed and what isnt.
  18. It follows the same bird rules as the server. So if a bird can do that I don't see why a paper bird cant? If that's a problem then a suggestion for altering the servers rules on birds should be set up. @LeoRabbit99 I added a better clarification
  19. Essentially once you connect to the void and can hold a connection you can learn the magic at a pace of your own so yes. I don't see a point in making some long unwarranted process to learn generic mundane magic to clean your dishes with
  20. It is indeed a current thing - - This is more so just a better clarification of the old spells + New ones simply.
  21. The only "combat related" magic here is the quite literal flavourful emotes for a lockpicking system on doors since you can't even blow down doors with normal magic anyways. I think you're overreacting thinking this will turn into some low functional combative magic. As for Inspell Letter, there's no difference between pulling a bird out of your pocket and sending it away. Quite literally just flavorful magic for sending letters.
  22. CreForeword: Since the beginning of magic and wizardry, mages have always applied magic to daily life to complete simple actions and chores without having to lift a finger. These magics are weakened versions of their more versatile parents allowing any magi to cast them without the need to heavily conditioning themselves in said magic. Domesticated Magic, or rather, Household Magic is a well practiced form of casual magic that almost most wizards, sorcerers and mages know and pick up upon their first lessons. This magic is a lesser version of the current selection of arcane magic almost as a “sample” of such. Anyone who has established a proper connection to the void and conditioned themselves to maintain such can begin learning household magic from any teacher available. Though it may be casted on a whim by the best of magi it must be noted the applications of domesticated magic cannot be used for combat in any shape or way as the magic is both too weak to do any practical harm and when adrenaline starts to kick in one cannot particularly maintain focus on such lesser spells. The following is a list of classified domesticated spells: Light Flame: A lesser spell of fire evocation allows the casted to spark a flame only powerful enough to light candles, ovens and fireplaces within their home or perhaps burn a letter they no longer want to look at. This is either done with the snap of the fingers or conjuring forth a small flame at the tip of their finger. Conjure Breeze: A lesser spell of air evocation allows the caster to conjure forth a breeze of air to extinguish flames within the home or perhaps to clean dust and cobwebs off some higher to reach shelves. Conjure Water: A weaker version of water evocation that allows the caster to conjure forth at most a buckets worth of water. Though the water is not permanent it will stay conjured for as long as it needs to get the job done for either washing the dishes, mopping the floor or washing one's hands. Once finished with the task the conjured water vanishes. Enchant Broom: A very lesser version of a telekinesis enchantment, this allows the caster to imbue a broom or mop to serve it’s master and clean the home on it’s own. The enchant lasts up until the job is completed before they tuck themselves back into a corner. Mage Light: A lesser form of transfiguration allowing the caster to conjure forth pure light from the air and radiate the area with light casting away darkness, though it can only reach the brightness of a torch. Command Object: A lesser form of telekinesis that allows its caster to move objects at the will of its master. Such as commanding a sponge to clean dishes for you or lifting a book off the ground back into its shelf. The caster may only command at most two objects at once such as a sponge and plate or a double set of doors and must maintain focus on the objects being moved. These objects must be light to lift as well nothing overstepping a weight that a weak mage could lift. Illusive Words: A minor illusion spell that allows the caster to write softly glowing words upon any surface desired, though these words will only last for a mere moment before vanishing into thin air. Oddly enough it affects anyone in the room able to see with no exceptions to only making one person view the wording. Pick Lock: A minor alteration spell that allows a mage to attempt to undo a lock on a door without knowledge on how to lockpick, though this spell does oddly consume one lockpick from the mage's hand as a price. Due to the complexity of locks the spell has a chance to fail, work, or jam the door. (Follows all current lockpicking rules of the server / may be used in combat as its just a flavorful way to lockpick doors for mages) Force Lock: A minor telekinesis spell that allows a mage to attempt to break a lock on the door. This, however, may take several attempts until the door finally gives in or jams in the frame itself. One simply casts a flick of their magic at the door to begin the attempt at breaking forcing it open. (Follows all current rules on breaking doors down on the server / may be used in combat as its just a flavorful way to break down doors for weak mages.) Enspell Letter: A minor enchanting spell that imbues a parchment/letter to take the shape of a bird or perhaps a paper airplane or any sort of aviation shape at the will of the caster and fly off to its designated point of delivery. It takes the same amount of time to transform into this state as it does to call a bird and give it the letter to fly off with so it's not overly practical except for those who do not have birds. (Follows all current rules on sending birds on the server as this is just a flavourful way to send birds. A lot better than pulling a pigeon from your pocket etc.) Enscribe Words: A minor transfiguration spell that allows the caster to change the way the ink is printed on a letter, allowing one to ‘reword’ a letter perhaps to send a reply back to their friend about their tea party! (Cannot be used to sabotage anything / get away with forgery of sort/anything villainous unless you actually practice transfiguration etc) Red Lines: Domesticated Magic cannot be used in combat in any way shape or form unless otherwise stated (such as pick lock and force lock spells.) Domesticated Magic does not require an MA but it requires a connection to the void and to be taught through RP means, how long it takes to learn domesticated magic is entirely up to the mage. Learning a Domesticated Magic does not entitle you to increased progression to the magic it stems from (i.e if you learn light flame you will still have the same progression rate in fire evocation as someone who has never learned domesticated magic.) New Domesticated spells may be added after being run through the LT first. It can be submitted as an idea and must be approved by the LT Management before they edit the spell onto this main post to ensure everything is up to date. Credit to Supremacyops and Urara - Makers of the first versions of household magic. Credit to @Booklight12 for Mage Light.
  23. How much do I have to pay to learn one of those three boot secrets I never knew...

    1. Wrynn


      You can't count that high

    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  24. Daily reminder to brush your teeth twice a day at least

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