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Status Updates posted by youdude

  1. I cannot acces my graphics tablet, and have been reduced to pen and paper! This is why you dont drink, and own massive amounts of weaponry.

  2. I cant decide if im a serious roleplayer, or a troll.

    1. The Fact Core
    2. youdude


      Is that even possible?

      Unless ofc I'd literally play a troll.

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      troll > serious

  3. I dislike the question: "What's on your mind?". Hell, ill answer truthfully. If the (LOTR) elvish word for freind is mellon, are they of the bike stealing variety?

  4. I have a firm belief that we're all born limitless.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. youdude


      Bane I was being poetic U butt

    3. Lita


      Zerstörung durch Fortschritte der Technologie

    4. hellfiazz


      I have a firm belief in my pants

  5. I have a god damn character art.... (O_O)

    1. ConnorMagill


      Ohh my god how, who where when what.

    2. youdude


      Well... Well well well well... Me

      And to look at it, check my avatar xD

  6. I just had a odd idea. Turd hot-dog.

  7. I just realised Bloodborne will be a PS4 only release. My life is a lie.

  8. I log onto the server, and three seconds later it restarts. What a good start of a day.

  9. I miss more player models...

  10. I NOW have a firm belief that we are born with limits. Geographical location and physical and mental defects control/curve our potential.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      PFFF. You make me laugh. The biggest thing we can do to limit intellect is be born into a poor family. This is the way the world has ALWAYS been.



      The biggest predictor of SAT scores is family income.

    4. DruinsBane


      What about mental defects, surly our intellect is affected by such.

  11. I put my dog in the basement... He's now he's a subwoofer.

    1. The Best Basileus
    2. Terafir


      Lol that's sooooo bad...

  12. I really should play my other character more... Poor lil autistic Raelor :/

    1. Desires


      I still need you to eat that horse dung.

  13. I shant be able to log onto minecraft for a while now... Welp, time to stalk forums.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Desires


      This is why you don't weild weapons.

    3. MamaBearJade


      this is why you dont play with swords in the house

    4. Arkelos


      Not surprised at all, actually. btw, Berdo is going to have to eat a boot, as was his bet to Naeri.

  14. I swear, the closer the thing you're waiting for gets, the longer it feels. *returns to emitting incoherent waiting noises*

    1. Watty_Banker


      We are all excited for christmas.

  15. I've decided, that cats, are all evil. They are plotting to kill us, and are just using us to get cuddles and food.

    1. Lago


      As soon as the Paw Operated Can Opener is invented we all die.

    2. Amorphbutt


      Took you long enough.

  16. I've regained acces to my skype! Rejoyce!

  17. IC hugs make me feel so empty :I

  18. If any of my characters become mindmages, i shall inject maddening youtube videos into my victims.

  19. Im not fun at parties

  20. Im would say im sorry for figuring out an unprotected plugin... but that was hilarious.

  21. Isn't school fun? YAY!

  22. It's all Ogre now.

    1. Shorsand


      That's what I'd say whenever playing Dungeon Defenders..

  23. Ive done it... Ive shaved my freakishly early growing beard.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gingernut97


      Native would be ashamed of you.

    3. youdude


      Im already getting angry pm's from him!

    4. Lark


      Beard shaver! We have a beard shaver on LotC! Fire the trebuchet!

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