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Status Updates posted by monkeypoacher

  1. I'd like to make an Orc, I have a character laid out. Any clans taking new members?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. the 1 bow

      the 1 bow

      Braduk for lyfe

    4. DrakeHaze.


      All Clans are taking new members. Current Wargoth clans are: Gorkil, Lur, Yar, Azog

  2. would I be punished if I put something really unnerving as my forum avatar?

    1. shiftnative


      PM me the image & I'll let you know

  3. I made some (removed) status yesterday, 12 notifications TF was that I can't remember

  4. Do dark elves have an equivalent of shamanism?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Burkester


      Do it you wont

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Why would the Dark Elves have a magic for just them? Lame.

    4. monkeypoacher


      why do humans have creator clericism and orcs have shamanism and dwarves have runesmithing?

      'cus why not

  5. hail astrological patron troll

  6. what is a world cup

  7. On 6/13/14, at 12:38 PM, Γαλεν wrote: > #banskyfromdisneyworld2k15

  8. I like the plague but please don't godmode and disguise as a testificate and push me until I have it while I'm AFK!

    1. MamaBearJade


      i just wanted hugs


    2. monkeypoacher


      If that was you jade

  9. I'm going to make an order like the Fireflies. Called it. CALLED IT.

  10. look at how edgy I am

    1. Korvic


      I'm so edgy, I can draw a line right here.


    2. monkeypoacher


      I'm so edgy I can paste an obscure ascii character of a line right here

    3. Mining
  11. Since she logged, thanks DecoLamb for some awesome RP.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rassidic


      ^ He's a flay , so we don't like him!11!!! >:(

    3. BannanaToYou


      The best RP'r, such an interesting title, how ever this was appointed.

    4. monkeypoacher


      Will the lot of you shut up?!

  12. get rekt oren, barricade 2stronk

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bickando
    3. calculusdesola


      You really need to get laid.

    4. Solaba


      It's not hard to help people out during fights when you aren't even status'd.

  13. I lost the overtly sexual, gambling version of "truth or dare" to arfavero1's ladyfriend and I ended up gifting the fool Goat Simulator.

    1. Amorphbutt
    2. Shadowjax


      enjoy your immigration problem!! long live the nation-state!!

  14. Also, you all have the "why minecraft is down" thing wrong. It's not the 'Reset The Net' protest, as that was just adding a little bubble to the site saying "go secure your ****, NSA stronk". Servers are down because the donation w-hore t-wat squad "r/admincraft" is getting skids to DDoS/Syn Flood the Minecraft servers.

  15. http://i.imgur.com/dXA1B7o.png - the moment there's actually legitimate criticism...
    1. Cyndikate


      I was actually speaking for the playerbase.

    2. monkeypoacher


      eh maybe.

      since when has Rhia actually accepted criticism or progressing opinions on this server? She just wants to perpetuate the "RP default v.s. PvP default" **** that's been going on.

      oren 2stronk

  16. Who would I talk to if I would like to run a VPN while playing the server? I have to do privacy-related things.

  17. fockin' moskweetos

  18. can we ban wolf/chicken armies? I want my randomly-spawning cows back pls

  19. Change your password.

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