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Status Replies posted by FlareGunCalamity

  1. Thomas Jefferson sent a dead moose to france.

  2. Novaskin's poser is quite useful. However, I still prefer the simplicity of the MCviewer... Although it lacks certain tools such as items and bending!

  3. Novaskin's poser is quite useful. However, I still prefer the simplicity of the MCviewer... Although it lacks certain tools such as items and bending!

  4. NOTE: it's only a pugsy if it involves diamond armor, golden apples, and a >10 bodycount. If it's not those then it wasn't a pugsy, it was just annoying.

  5. So...how are you?

  6. So, if I made a dwarf, what would I really do first?

  7. So, if I made a dwarf, what would I really do first?

  8. My skin shop is no longer free but as a christmas present all female skins are half-off!

  9. Guys, the server is in Maintenance mode. Only certain people are white listed, like techs and whatnot. It's okay. :)

  10. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays :D

  11. I had quite a few plans and partys for today but since the servers has been down for christmas i guess they're ruined :L

  12. I have a few character I don't want anymore. What do I do?

  13. Whats with the restart?

  14. I have a few character I don't want anymore. What do I do?

  15. Whats with the restart?

  16. For some odd reason, I enjoy skype RP better than MC RP

  17. So many guests viewing my ideas xD

  18. thought I got through cutting onions for dinner without crying, then proceeded to wipe my eyes. Onions 1 me 0

  19. If anyone can build well enough to copy a building, I need you, and there's high pay involved: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103049-need-builders-and-stonemasons-to-help-move-and-rebuild-a-keep/

  20. Okay. Its decided! Dwarf it is! Bretherin, Hydrose will return!

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