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About Its_Just_Leap

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    ?Keeper of the Keys?
  • Birthday 06/02/1999

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    Its Just Leap#5153
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    Ethel Serene, Keir Elwing, Sirius
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  1. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/168869-admin-oppression/?page=3


    I thank anyone personally who took the time to respond to this thread. It means a lot.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. OzYmandi


      @Leap1Ghosts He doesn't need to give you a reason, nor do I believe he will. His decision can be questioned, not by some forum screecher, but by you and you alone. Debate. Present plausible argument to him and he might lift that and bring you back. Congratulate the guy that openly claims Admins are biased for punishing YOUR wrong call is not demonstrating the professionalism a GM needs to have to perform such a role.

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      I've been waiting for him to give proper reasoning for kicking me @Brazilianski and honestly I should be given a response. For someone to be kicked off of a team there would have to be proper reasoning given otherwise it just makes me question whether the reasoning was actually good enough. I didn't ask for the forum post to be made. I woke up this morning to a PM linking me to it. I'm just happy that I have this much support for wanting an explained reason as to my removal.

    4. rukio


      He won't, @Brazilianski, it isn't how Paleo works. He'll beat around the bush, give an excuse here and there, cite things but when asked for evidence say he'll "have to dig through logs later". Leap also never asked for the forum post to be made. People who were mad about his removal did it. Also, Paleo can claim all he wants that it wasn't an admin decision but rather a GM Director decision (which is a joke because he put himself in the GM Director position but he doesn't really know some of the rules well imo, i.e. halt rules), but if that's really the case then why was 501 saying "he could air leap's dirty laundry and then people would see who they were supporting really" in OOC and getting offended as if he was personally being attacked over it. Because he clearly played a role in it. There's a lot of BS on this server and it's why we'll never have the truly good people on staff. It's all about who's butt you can kiss. If you knew the crap that went on before Paleo got FM Director and then admin, you'd realize how pathetic it is. Don't even talk like you know a single thing about what goes on behind the scenes or has gone on behind the scenes. Don't defend someone who doesn't deserve to be defended. He lies, though I also feel bad for him because I imagine he's the fall boy when things backfire. 

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