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Posts posted by excited

  1. 2 minutes ago, argonian said:
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    first of all, delaneyG is an individual. weird to treat him as a conglomerate: "a few people". secondly, as weird as it may be for him to (utterly fail to) flirt w. a girl who's already dating his emperor, his leaks really don't account for much, because your regime has acted far beyond the info his leaks would give you, because even in this very post you've made a long list of claims which delaney's screenshots don't actually support in any way. If of course you'd bothered to read them, before patting him on the head for a job well done and going about solving the crisis through meta.




    (( i support sh*ting on delaney but plz be nice to eryane she's a courteous person and means well, no matter your disagreement over an argument pertaining to a fictional note, in a fictional world, set in a land of blocks as its theater backdrop.




    that being said, u make an interesting point, talk to orenian leadership rq over dms and hash it out. I doubt they're intending to meta-game or distort things, seems like a misunderstanding lol ))

  2. 30 minutes ago, JoanOfArc said:

    i made this recommendation a while back in june to the mod team, it's a good idea

    First you're deleting my risque texts, now you'll be doing book burning. Don't you see the line you're crossing here?


    Kairn Calithil notices the elfess is underage at the ripe age of 48. In response, he pens a notice, on behalf of his good friend, the esteemed Paladin Crumena Ilwindior.


    Hello female. My name is Crumena Ilwindior, Grandmaster of the Chapter of the Golden Lion, an esteemed paladin of a hallmark trade. I ply monster slaying, but I slay women just as well.


    My last wife went missing. Perhaps you'll go missing too.


    So, what do you say, am I the 'DILF' you're looking for?


    Signed, Crumena Ilwindior, hailing from the Tempest Isle, descendant of Rilath Ilwindior, esteemed Canonist, lover of the Fine Arts, and Poet.



  4. 9 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    I’d rather have had my side lose but been able to actually get on the war server and fight than have the entire thing flop like it has today. At least if my side lost in a non-crashed war server somebody would’ve been winning instead of the entire server taking a massive L, having all their time investment be for nothing, and being reminded not to get their hopes too high for future projects.


    Yeah, I had fun playing with you despite all that Jumper, your messages helped keep me sane. As long as LoTC has people like you and some of the others I spoke to, it won't be a total abject loss to be around.


    Staff could learn from y'all.


    Regardless of who was on which side that was legitimately an experience that was tantamount to why this game is a waste of time. It is wrong on so many levels to advertise the way you guys did, especially when the tests on the beta server weren't even running smoothly.


    No fault to the Mods and Techs who did janitorial work, but if somebody ran a WC like this under Pandan's team in 2015 they would have been taken out back and shot like it was a reenactment of the Death of Stalin.


    Many people won't be attending again. For those of you who kept calm despite it all, good on you honestly because you have the patience of a Saint. But for many of us this goes beyond any of that. I've decided personally that this isn't worth my own patience after having seen this happen for over a year nonstop.


    If you can't test or make wars happen, do not advertise them. Fix the issue, and do not continue to advertise a game-play mechanic that doesn't exist. If that can't be done, switch to being pure Slice of Life with raids. As individuals, everybody's fine. I got along better today with my literal enemies in Haense + Urguan + Coalition than I did the staff honestly.


    If you can't do better, don't claim to.


    End rant.

    I'm done malding.

  6. Kairn, who once lopped off Varenthal Elibar’acal’s head off ‘pon the silver steps, considered the missive. 

    Slavery was no laughing matter. 

    Thus onto tyrants, he thought.


    Sic semper tyrannis.

  7. I hardly know you.


    But Noobli had nice things to say, and I figured I'd leave a memo.


    The measure of somebody's worth on LoTC is not limited to success with Applications, Staff, or Warclaim victory posts.


    It's the mark you leave on the people you leave behind. I was Story Team when you got your blacklist, and frankly you deserved it.




    That is not the measure of your value. A few sparse "bad" things (how bad is it really if it hurt absolutely nobody?) do not dictate your affect on the people around you.


    Clearly, your friends from your playerbase like you, and many people will miss you. The door is always open for when you wish to have some fun; but if the game is not fun for you anymore, it's good to take a break and relax and enjoy yourself some Holiday spirit.



  8. 7 minutes ago, Esterlen said:

    With the battle's conclusion, Goran Goldhand emerges from his hiding place in a crate of barley. It seems the mercenaries retained by his brethren had routed once again in their assault of the Imperial city. It appeared that he and his sequestered riches would not escape their captivity by the tyrant Philip III - at least not this time.


    Sir Cato Perea sat with his clinician inside of the city within a secluded office. He sat in front of a looming pinewood desk as the balding, short human man adjusted his spectacles and then regarded the befuddled knight. "So," the shrink said. "You're saying you see this guy everywhere?"

    Sir Cato nodded with the utmost fear in his visage. "Everywhere. Outside the clocktower, in the barley, on the roads." 

    "What does he look like?" Opined Professor Pumilio. "I studied at the Academy for many years. Omens such as these... They are not scarce. We may have to diagnose you."


    "Well," began Sir Cato. "You see sir. He's a midget. With a big green Haeseni hat."

    "Does it have a name?" Queried Pumilio, taking notes. This ******* lout is insane, he thought to himself. Did I seriously spend 30,000 minas and spend eight-years in the Academy just to provide services to men like these?


    "Goran. Goran Goldhand. He's short, he has these massive flaring nostrils and beady eyes, and..." Pumilio cut off Cato, "You should be aware the things you're saying are racially insensitive." 

    Cato was diagnosed with Orenian Schizoid Personality Disorder. Pumilio prescribed him quartz dust, saying. "If you see him again. Take some of this. It will help you exhaust Iblees' spirit inside of you, and once you sneeze you will excise the demon." 


    Sir Cato Perea returned to his secure room within the clinical facility and slept, a small baggie of white dust nearby, grains of the substance all over his nose. 

  9. Cato Perea chuckled jovially and then enjoyed a pint with his fellowship in their brown caps. He smoked a cigar, holding it betwixt his pointer finger and thumb.


    "Hm, never could play chess." He said in a monologue. "But it's good to see when people make their intentions known." 


  10. 10 hours ago, Gaius Marius said:


    I initially leaned against responding to this thread, but since my fellow old-head weighed in with something convincing and more or less along the lines of how I think - I figured why not and hope to contribute something worth considering in addition to what Harold said:


    When I recently returned, I talked to a few old friends who I've met on the server to refresh my memory about rules especially related to combat. Combat roleplay has always been my bread-and-butter and what has been most 'fun' for me; conflict typically gives me a lot to work with when I am creatively writing. I learned that wars on the server had been restrained primarily because of the Out-of-Character antagonism groups of people showed each other in the last war (name escapes me, forgive my boomer brain).


    I've only come back to play a meagre character for hobby fun, avoiding any form of out-of-character "administration" if you will. I remember all too well the first powderkeg which, if I had to be honest and since hindsight is 20/20, led me to leave the first player-group I formed and led - the Teutonic Order. A lot of the same behaviors peaked when we had "conquered" and split the Kingdom of Oren in half towards the end of the 1.0 map: OOC antagonism, verbal (over Teamspeak3 at the time) & written obnoxious & harassing behavior, passive-aggressive forum posts that thinly veiled contempt or at least attempts to annoy others, sophistry in the form of appealing to "it is just roleplay" when people admitted behind closed doors that they were doing x in an attempt to harass or annoy Player Y. I left because I simply didn't have the interest nor the willingness to put myself mentally through trying to handle the increasingly hostile environment as a player and some of this antagonism I began to reflect back on others. A lot of players tend to look at that part of my past with rose-tinted goggles, admiring what our guys (Teutonic Order) managed to do, but not realizing that it had a lot of repercussions and negative effects.


    Those of us who do combat roleplay, whether preferring PvP or emote-combat (I personally prefer PvP unbeknownst to some, even if I am not the best at it), have to understand that though there are a number of players like us and are like-minded in our preference - we share a server with a whole host of others who prefer other types of roleplay. I personally don't do 'slice of life' roleplay, but I am not above making room for people who do prefer that. I personally don't do marriage/family roleplay, but I am not going to push those kinds of players away. I think understanding this as a player will help mend at least some of the broken fences as it pertains to people "not wanting consequences" on the server.


    I think if you are wanting to introduce consequential conflict, coming to some out-of-character handshake before starting conflict may get both staff to back off from intervening and overall rebuild trust. It it something that I am mulling over in my head as I get involved with the current war.


    This is an inexorable fact. My friends Hedonism, Defy, and I played during Two Emps. It was fun in the way texting your vicious ex-girlfriend who cuckolded you is fun. Maybe, yeah, you get to make her mald. But is it really worth the time? 


    Did I get satisfaction from bleeding "enemy" players of valuable time and resources? Yes.

    Most people do.


    And that is why LoTC suffers with regards to war, all tech issues aside.

    A competitive game ought to have competitive mechanics.


    LoTC has none of those things. So the game becomes about psychological warfare and rally numbers. 

    War is Zzzzz. 

  11. ((Yo Ave's with his girlfriend rn so it'll be a bit, but good fight :D

    Happy holidays, Ferrymen.))

    Cato Perea eyed the missive, read it and then folded it and neatly placed the parchment in his desk drawer. Undisturbed, he leaned in against his desk counter and held his chin up with his hands, arms resting flat against it.


  12. "Good men have perished." said Ser Cato "Perea".


    His name, much like himself, a walking mirage.


    An illusion. An allusion too, alluding to the Orenian Kings of old.


    Now why would a wayward son of Arpad pay such respect to a long dead house? That is beyond even his own reckoning. His thoughts drifted to the heavy metal instrument he cast aside to begin playing a banjo, and then he reminded himself that he had no time for his own madness. Momentarily, he considered the passing of the bygone Ferryman soldier.


    "Into the annals of time you go. Goodbye, denizen of Myrine. You fought bravely. Many more good men will die; but the Empire shall prevail."

  13. 17 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:

    Sir Mohammad Hassan slowly rolls his prayer-mattress in complete silence, and begins to saunter out of the Musjid. 


    He turned to face his comrade that waited outside, and then muttered a few words. “I fight for Allah, even if it’s for the losing side. I respect the honour of all, as that was decreed by the Prophet. That includes dwarves.” 


    The orenian prayed his Sunnat, hoping for both sides to avoid unnecessary conflict, and to make good friends from both sides. 


    [ @EXCITED]


    "St. Beboon protect us," remarked Cato Perea, signing the Lorraine with his hand, a'fore he joined Sir Mohammad Hassan on the field.


    After all, they were followers of the Emperor.


    His tuba sat in his room, rusty, unused, unpolished.


    The time of music and tuba playing was over.


    Now, it was time for war.

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