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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by excited



    Enscribed within the woods, Mali'ame of the Irrinite denomination could see simple words etched paper attached to a handful of the trees.


    "I tire of their indolence. The blood of Ithel'an shall not be transgressed against. Heed the warning of what happened to the Elvenessi. Heed the warning of the countless burned, slain, and decapitated for defaming the House of Calithil.


    Make not the mistakes of your forebears in assailing the blood of the Princes of Morea."


  2. On 6/22/2022 at 11:48 AM, Panashea said:


    I've tried human and elf roleplay but a mix of multiple factors gets me. For one, all of the drama, controversy and honestly repulsive behavior turns me off.  The orc community is mostly sheltered from that (no one really wants to **** an orc and we're generally too abrasive for pests to stay long term).


    Just thinking about social season, elves dating minors, etc makes me uncomfortable because it IS literally part of their cultures through the perversion of other players.


    I don't really care for political rp on LOTC because 99% of it is the same people doing the same RP, primarily off the server. If i wanted to do human chivalry and the like, I'd just play a 4X game and have a much better time.  The religions and cultures of both elves and humans are pretty boring and boilerplate, and when looking at elven culture a large majority of the aspects are stolen from shamanism/spiritualist/orcish lore:  see seeds or Mani. 


    When I play LOTC i play for the engaging stories waved together by other parts of the playerbase. The human and elven communities go out of their way to squash those kinds of experiences so that you can suck toes and follow their cult of personality. 


    Everytime I play an orc im bombarded by a host of unique roleplay, cultural, and magic opportunities that none of the races really have.


    An orc that worships Laklul is entirely different from an orc that worships Leyd; they look different, they roleplay different, their headspace and ideas are worlds apart. 


    Most elves and humans play exactly the same to the point where elves clip their ears or humans ignore their age limit. It's just a boring waste for me. I can't find it engaging when a more freeform, impactful, and liberating existence as an orc has always been better for me.


    Most human and elven characters are just dull self-inserts or attempts at getting mineman power. That rat race isn't for me.





  3. I think irregardless of the benefits/drawbacks we should just settle on 1.9 for the sake of consistency. We've had it as 1.9 for so long now I don't see a reason to change it.

  4. Any tier progression system that is foundational on the murder of other players will not last. It's unoriginal, tiring, and doesn't even prove that the player is a competent role-player. Imagine for instance if I just rolled around murder hoboing Paladins as some form of Darkstalker to level up weird blood magic marrows or something - it would be lame, tiring, repetitive, and ultimately doesn't prove true competency. Especially since the players just wake up again later due to Monks and none of y'all PK.


    On the other hand, progression that is due to proven competency (excellent literacy, playing in the group a long time, teaching good students, bringing knowledge to the order that is necessary for combating "Darkspawn") is better.


    Back when we had Keepers, it was my trial to murder hobo @Heerobecause Leric said so. Why? They thought he was leading a counter order. It was purely political. It was to prove my "loyalty". It was bullsh*t.


    Make systems that support RP. Not systems that support disrupting RP.

  5. Diablo Derfey refuses to conform,

    "Achktually," he began, his lisp evident. His speech impediment made it all the more difficult for him to articulate and convey his points. "If there really was a plague we would have seen it. We would have seen it coming. I think this is a move by the Head Nurse to consolidate power when she pushes out a cure. She's gonna buy the cure from Urgwan and then re-sell it here for thousands upon thousands of minas. Believe me, I'm not letting this woman take my freedoms away. Good Orenian men and women died fighting for our freedoms. Her and the elites are just trying to drive up profits so they can buy more land from the Dwarves. Those grifting, snot-nosed bastards." He spat. "I'm not cattle like the rest of them. I'll totally be fine."

  6. "The legacy of the Avchirran remains as long as Evar'tir draws breath. The ways of a warrior people committed likewise to the annals of history are well-respected by the successes of my wayward kin. Without him, many would be lost, and ultimately the ends for peace have been met."

    "Death to the agents of the Kinstrife. Long live the legacy of Caras Eldar!"

  7. Upon a distant island, far from the lands inhabited by the Wood Elves, a keen-eyed figure tended to his grotto. This Druid had once served as a kind of mentor to a young Andria. He had taught her about backsmithing in the old city-state of Irrinor close to a century before, if not longer. Nameless, eccentric, and pursuing the true nature of Divinity - the Elf had long ago forgone the main continent in favor of a life dedicated to his sacrament of peace. The news certainly did not reach him wherever he was. Yet, the faces of those he mentored still remained with him.


    The One-Eyed Coyote prowled his demesne content with his thoughts. He wished the Lioness well, but knew nothing of her fate. 

  8. I think that referencing historical periods in role-play is largely lame.


    Define your own setting and roll with it. A big part of role-playing on a large server is establishing continuity in what you do. World building is more important than consulting wikipedia.


    If LoTC or any other RP platform is just your CK2 outlet, go be a history major and do something valuable with your time, instead of being a ruinous presence who devastates children's fun.

  9. Spoiler





    “It is within the Tomb of the Unknown Fleeper that their souls reside. Those many men lost to time, like fine granules of grain whittled down from the most powerful of rocks; the loose sedimentary, invertebrate backbone of a fallen Empire. Derfey giveth, Derfey taketh, so the adage goes.” 


    Robert Rozencrantz Derfey, Apostle of Paul Derfey




    To break the mystical bonds of Derfey, it is mandated that an apostle do the following. Draw a circle in lime, salt, and garlic. Place the severed mandible of Exalted Derfey in the center to act as a catalyst. Provide the Thumb of Peter, accursed as it be, ever-tapping as it was in life. At one click of the thumb per second, drum the thumb against the mandible up and down until a sheen of powerful, godly light emerges from the bone. It shall shimmy forth and summon the glory of Derfey, calling upon a civil servant to assist in times of woe, times of immense need. 


    So sayeth Derfey, the first Exalted Derfey, and not the last.

  10. 1 minute ago, CanadaMatt said:

    Totaly man I mean its not often you can have a civil discussion, I mean im one to talk when I was kinda toxic but thats lotc right 


    exactly next time might just b better to reach out


    i've had an edible and it hit so honestly this entire situation just feels rlly funny to me


    good luck kids

  11. 1 minute ago, CanadaMatt said:

    Of course an I appreciate you being civil about this all, I did reach out to chenn and lion reached out to me, I mean if they felt annoyed they are free to reach out to me and let me know I don't mind being told if I am or not, I mean I do mind if they talk behind my back about it, im not one to talk behind peoples back personally I usually go to them if I need to. 


    easily fixed rlly by just going "how would I act if they did x thing that I did"

    like, personally, when i dislike ppl i just avoid them because if i yell at them or roast them they can run OBS and get me banned or smthing


    for that reason, many people are avoidant of conflict on here, which means a lot of the time things don't rlly get resolved in an open-forum civil discourse typa way

  12. Just now, CanadaMatt said:

    Like I said earlier I was toxic though it was through emotions and such I did say some things to @Chennsterand I apologise to him if anything I said was to rude, it was posted in oren that players who didnt fight for lion would be welcomed back no questions asked and no judgment given and would be welcomed with open arms, yet not alot of us were like I said earlier I was questioned I was judged and not really welcomed hence why It ticked me slightly

    If me makeing 1 meme is such a big deal, We should look at the countless memes people have made towards other players aswell mainly from people in oren


    it's not whether it's a big deal or not

    falls down to u wanted an answer for why those ppl are annoyed and u got one

    nobody's gonna bar u from walking into the city or something, but if u annoyed people, they'll be resistant to interacting with u on a personal level


    i personally wouldn't care about a meme, i'd just counter-sh*tpost

  13. Just now, CanadaMatt said:


    First of all its an honour to get a EX.Derfey response I appreciate it.

    Im on the server to have fun yeah, and Ill take your words to though as I look for a new place to find some fun rp thanks!

    Was made during my toxic fit I had like I stated in a response but thansk for shareing it


    i mean i'm not above sh*tposting


    just be mindful that free speech is free speech, but free speech has consequences.


    if ppl don't like u cuz u annoyed them, seems like something u ought to rectify with them, or it's better to find a crowd that thinks like u do


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