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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by excited

  1. Quote

     just sucks that im being OOCLY shunned by a community iv been apart of in the end, this kinda turned into a rant of sort but if any questions come up feel free to ask and ill awnser. 


    Except it's not the same community? A big part of the changes in Oren is that it's ruled by a different faction that was inside the player group. Also, this claim you're being ghosted is very nebulous and strange. If you're being ghosted by the same people over and over again why are you reaching out to them and not involving yourself in a community where you'll be more comfortable?

    People are on the server to have fun. If people don't like you, go play somewhere else, f**k them. Even if you instigated it or they instigated it, don't spend time somewhere where people clearly are ignoring you or something.


    The fact it's living in your mind rent free is in of itself a call for help, because it's honestly not that big of a deal. I don't personally fit into LoTC communities and I don't pin it on them. It's not a community's job to sustain me or please me. If I don't enjoy a community, I don't play there. If I'm not respected, I don't play there.


    Go find a group that's a better fit.



  2. Alistair of the Blackwald pours one out for the realest Herald and remembers fondly the time him and Draakopf engineered a scheme with child miners to steal thanhium.


    ((Hotbox is one of the realest RPers on the server and has a greater care for dynamic RP than most the bureaucrats I've seen prancing around this server. Straight up, good job with everything, and have fun with your next character.))

  3. 3 minutes ago, Qizu said:

    “You used Azdrazi to defend yourselves in your war, then you declare that they be killed on sight once you relocate yourselves? What a cowardly act of Man to announce from their offices. You let Azdrazi defend you but not themselves against heretics such as Vladimir? Foul spawns of Horen, Cowards at best.” spat the Nephilim as he read the missive. He would swiftly begin to pack his belongings within the city alongside the 20 other members of his guild before they all set off leaving the city behind.



    The ancient Nephilim Alistair in passing remarked,

    "This is the cost of such defamatory politics. Had our people retained their original mission, this would not be happening."

    ((Your emote seems pretty out-of-characterly charged given you're mocking their activity upon leaving. As the forebear of your community, I feel like this is an inexcusable way to act. Banishment and exile RP is the natural response to finding a horned quasi-daemon in your city, and given the recent Azdromoth events, it should come as no surprise. "alongside the 20 other members of his guild " has a very negative connotation, it reads as if you're quite spiteful.


    If you suspect rule-breaking or foul play on their end, I'd report it. Engaging with them in this type of post seems like a waste of time and gives off a very passive aggressive air.))






    "I care not who you are, knight. Rise to the challenge and you shall fall - the Spirits shall elucidate me on whatever sense of pragmatism brought you onto your knees before me, as I cleave your head from your shoulders."

    - THE REX, PHAEDRUS, c. 1400's


    Elysium laid low by the Urukhai. As 7,100 Krughai riders from the Iron Uzg pushed at the Elysian knights and field men. Alas, the de Astreas' army could not rebuke them, and fell after several deft collisions with the enemy upon the field of battle.


    The Spirits smile.


    The Elves and Humans of Elysium frown.


    Their homeland shall soon be torn asunder, if they do not act quickly. The day's events had been macabre and filled with terrors as their bodies were hewn in twine,  limb from limb, by the lumbering Orcish warlords. The vulgarities of war made clear by the broken banners, rising flames, and mangled bodies of the fallen.


    ENROHK smiles no doubt as the Orcs pitch tents on their newly occupied territory, preparing for another offense perhaps.


    It is not over.

  5. 5fefb745d5ec9fb4da69d37fafb2f616.jpg

    "This wretched city built in sin."

    "It ends."

    "Where it started."


    A large, broad-shouldered bearded man, Aquiline Derfey, 'Holy Orenian Emperor' and 'Prince of Providence', lofted a soiled, broken wheelchair above his head as the fervor of the shouts grew even more pitched.


    "WE SHALL HAVE A PEACEFUL PROTEST!" The 'Emperor' barked to the assembled masses, before he cast the wheelchair through a window downtown and smashed it to bits.


    "Now let us riot! Take what is ours! New Providence shall burn, and from its ashes shall arise the new Holy Orenian Empire, like dough risen in the kiln of the great oven of ingenuity that gave us the Empire of Godfrey!"

    (( 12 PM EST tomorrow in New Providence, be there, or be square. ))

  6. unknown.png


    Darwinius Derfey cackled with immodest indecency, casting pebble after peeble unto the mound of flame that has consumed the Cathedral. 


    The Church of Canon, after all, had deigned to ignore his warnings. This was DERFEY'S EXALTED BASILICA. This was not the Argent Star. Not anymore. 

    Darwinius Derfey cast his head back and laughed. A hollow sound, rising with his pitch as the flames danced and he continued to cast stone after stone. 


    "Let that teach them who the true High Pontiff is. Iblees will rise again! My thralls, hark, for the Lord of Crows descends once again! Hark, for the time of the Canonist flock is over!" 

  7. In the carnage and in the devastation of war, Pavel Barrow sought God.


    He watched with pride swelling in his chest as once again, an Ivanovich laid waste to an Empire. As that fateful night, Baron Andrezj Ivanovich, merely a few years younger than his uncle, struck the Faux-Imperator Peter down with the Mace of Krajia, finalizing the quick demise of the Petrine Rebels and their cabal.


    Yet, he felt pity for the Empress, who no doubt was guided to this fate by forces outside of her control. And as he paid homage to the many who died that day, he mustered the sorrow for what could have been, all the lives that could have been spared had peace prevailed, and war was but a dream.





    Pavel Barrow drew blood following the battle in the city. Whilst going to drag the man away, he watched as the Carrion attempted to kill himself in the presence of the King of Oren. Something inside the Ivanovich descendant's brain snapped, a physical reaction, a motion that moved without thought. He drew back his crossbow and then shot the man in the back of the head, before walking away with brain fog. In the chaos and the fog of war, he forgot he even committed the action, and returned to standing vigilance over the court.


    "Allow this to be a lesson in the futility of evoking Malin's name in vain,"  spoke the original Saneyir of Camlannen Keep, Gwyn, as the news reached him. "The history of our people cannot be rewritten. The revisionism of the Pretender shall dissipate."









    "I shall not rest until I end the Orenian Civil War peaceably, and bring unity to the disparate peoples of Almaris."
    - 'Holy Orenian Emperor' Aquiline Derfey, formerly the 'Duke of Petra', Reginald Arnold Derfey



    That myself, the true Emperor of Oren. Reginald Arnold Derfey, descended from the lineage of PERTINAX and the unbroken line of Pertinaxi Emperors such as Aurelius Horen, doth declare the establishment of the first Derfey State of Almaris.


    I end this Orenian Civil War; I have divided up every ounce of land, and given fair shares to all parties involved.


    As the true Duke of Petra, I reign supreme in the Disputed Lands, bringing order to a lawless land. I proclaim Peter Augustus Novellen to be my heir and successor, and reserve his great flock to the confines of the Petrine Rebels' reservation, so that they may live there in perpetuity. I anoint Jared Munnel, my greatest ally, to the rank of the Grand Duke of Petra City, so that he may toil as he loves to bring order to Almaris by means of Stewardry; in the biggest and grandest Ducal Seat to ever be constructed. I condemn the actions of King Frederick I, but I guess he can have that tiny dot at the back of Petra City, to lord over his realm of women, piasts, and priests in perpetuity.


    God Bless Oren!




    I bless this nation. This Derfine Regalia, that shall set all of us free from the throes of entropy, and return order to a troubled land.


    With love,




    HIS MAJESTY, Aquillius Derfey, King of Derfey's Reach, Steward of the Petrine Rebels' Reservation, Holy Orenian Emperor of the Kingdom of Oren, and Grand Municipal Archduke of Petra City and all its subsidiary titles.


    STEWARD, Baron Jared Munnel, Grand Duke of Petra City, Heir to the Throne



  11. Aislin, the Duke of Duck, has a quote. Bear in mind, I do not think many people remember who Aislin is, but he was a big time player from 2012-2014. This isn't verbatim, but: 

    "Next time you want to go make a big post about how to fix the server. Just log on and role-play, you will be doing so much more good for you and the server."

    You're having issues with toxicity? Block them. Play with people you like. You're able to exercise phenomenal levels of control to put yourself into a better gameplay method by just going and role-playing elsewhere. I've done that and it's hard sometimes, but the truth is it's healthier to just let go and keep on role-playing. Even if people get mad at you, shout at you, freak out about your choices. Simply sever that tie and move on to enjoy yourself. 

  12. This is by far not the most toxic war on Lord of the Craft, sorry.


    Why do I know that? Because in one I was involved with I got DDOS'd and flat out doxxed, and had somebody threatening to drive out to my house.


    My IP address was compromised by Staff members ages ago as well, about four-years ago in the midst of some highly volatile drama of that time period.


    Now, I'm not saying your feelings are invalid. I take the server with so little seriousness now because honestly I see other human beings behind the screen and unless I'd say something to somebody in-person (IRL), I opt not to say it online. I trust this is a taxing experience for you. While we cannot expect people to come together and agree about everything, the bare minimum we can all do is shake hands, have some good role-play and a good warclaim. 


    Let us all enjoy this historical part of the game we all know and love and dissuade the sh*t disturbers from both sides from spreading needless hate & drama; because LoTC truly isn't the cesspit it used to be. 




    Thanks for coming to Ask Derfey. 

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