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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by excited

  1. hahaha i cant see any of my posts on my profile

  2. I’m with John. John is with me. I’m with John. John is with me.
    – Alexandre Nicator, prior to his death by Imperials.

  3. Freedom for @priceflash

  4. happy hannukah

  5. Happy Hanukkah Haelun'or

  6. @ww2buff99's ghost Are you the ghost of Christmas past? If so I'm ****ed.

  7. Shout, shout, let it all out.
    These are the things I can do without.
    Come on, I'm talking to you, come on.

  8. Pyro said these could be released. Thank you to @Beast720 for shedding some more light on the incident.


    1. Charles_Grimlie


      I'm obligated to +1 this on the account of trying to be villain number one.

  10. Sky is an absolute mad man.

    1. Ford


      he's a cutie

  11. > ban report somebody for a "that's p gay" comment

    > profit?

    1. Kim


      lol thats p gay

  12. /me stokes the fire of nationalism

    1. Ford


      /me brings a bucket of water


      BAD GOY 




  13. The Holy Entente rises.


    1. Chthonian_


      what a disgraceful abhorrence

  15. a5ebefc04206e3ba53f852e2bf1f92cb.png

    ) :

    1. lawnmowerman


      im such a hot topic

    2. KetchenX


      Trick Question, its Ski!

    3. Ford


      youth is thinking that gucko is better

      adulthood is realizing that kebab is the best

  16. Hey, can an FM please move the Nephilim magic guide to the trash? It's outdated.

  17. you want to see my leg?

  18. Pokémon Sun's incredible so far, I'm beyond impressed.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Matheus




      genre defining dialogue

    3. Shalashask


      It's good apart from the first island where your companion stops you every three steps for dialogue. 
      I hate to sound like a genwunner but the older games felt more like an adventure because you were by yourself for most of it, instead of having your hand held by someone every route.

    4. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I personally think it's cool adventuring with buds! @Shalashask but the games have indeed gotten easier

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