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Status Replies posted by TheBareSheet

  1. So I take it that force-aborting babies is a no-no?

  2. I appear to have crashed :\

  3. Goliath has a huge family... And is Psychopathic. High elves beware!

  4. Goliath gets in a fist fight with Kalenz -> Kalenz knocks Goliath out with a chest thrown by telekinesis -> High elves lock up Goliath -> Goliath's son comes and kicks Kalenz in the head and knocks him out... This RP is amazing...

  5. More high elves says I! More pure high elves indeed!

  6. Elene has tea with Kalenz... All sorts of terrible coincidences happened.

  7. How do we teach illusion to our students? Stab them with illusionary dagger for weeks, and then finally one day down the line actually stab them... Keep them on their toes.

  8. I've met so many good new high elven roleplayers today... I am excited.

  9. *gasp* I see sounds. :O

  10. *gasp* I see sounds. :O

  11. I love you, Cracked.com.

  12. *gasp* I see sounds. :O

  13. And back to the Psychologist

  14. So I have the fastest internet on LOTC everything is bigger when it concerns me.

  15. Got one DotA 2 key left, leave your steam name in this status if you want one.

  16. After beeing without power for 4 days due to violent storms in Australia the lights are now finally back on! :D

  17. Anyone want a Dota 2 key? I got like 12 of them.

  18. Anyone want a Dota 2 key? I got like 12 of them.

  19. Who's ready for a Tickling!?

  20. Eurgh, sometimes a day-off can be so boring...

  21. 80% of the fights Knox gets into aren't started by him. Therefore, you are all more evil than he.

  22. 80% of the fights Knox gets into aren't started by him. Therefore, you are all more evil than he.

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