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Status Replies posted by cj_scout

  1. Come to the party at storms crossing!

  2. Come to the party at storms crossing!

  3. I'm gonna have to say no good on the hunt, guys.too much lag during this DDoS. Besides, let the monster roam around a bit and instill fear.

  4. Wanna know something interesting? My junky sister stole my car and wrecked it before she was arrested. Stole the keys when I was sleeping... The door was unlocked and I havn't seen her in a few months... And she came in my house and stole my keys as I slept. She's in jail now and I have more locks now. FUN FUN FUN!

  5. The only Kha' I keep seeing is Therkul. We keep having awkward 'Sa'vi' and small talks. Haha.

  6. What's with all these erotic video game advertisements? ._.

  7. Need a proper name for this little guy. Right now he is just Grey. http://i.imgur.com/xB6dvIh.jpg

  8. how does one become a druid

  9. waka waka motherf******s

  10. http://www.livestream.com/shiftnative/video?clipId=pla_57e30af5-fdde-4723-a1a5-46960505c5a5 Traveling horseback through 4.0, to see how long it takes to visit each settlement!
  11. I'm so good at math. Minions + Ult = CHO'GATH EATS UR FAYCE

  12. Geo drowned his computer in Ribena cos his PC is an open topped sports PC.

  13. http://imgur.com/MtaUgIc,GURxK8C,WKxM0E0#0 Probably one of my best casual builds. I'm rather proud of it. Opinions?
  14. http://imgur.com/MtaUgIc,GURxK8C,WKxM0E0#0 Probably one of my best casual builds. I'm rather proud of it. Opinions?
  15. Gotta love killing a "criminal" and then being killed by the guards without being able to explain. Now both mine and the other guy's heads are going on pikes.

  16. I swear to god the next person who tries to pet me, I will bite off your hand and beat you to death with it. c:

  17. I swear to god the next person who tries to pet me, I will bite off your hand and beat you to death with it. c:

  18. I found it. The Kha theme song. Approval from Gold.

  19. Apparently now you can get a permit for edginess .___.

  20. [7:11:19 PM] Gold is too pale to go gay for.

  21. Someone reset the server before I murder this peanut!

  22. Horses are actually really fun omg

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