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Status Replies posted by cj_scout

  1. Rhia, you broke my heart. ;'(

  2. Trolls are ruining my immersion. I'm gonna ddas them so they stop.

  3. I seem to have a really bad habit of getting into fights with antags and cultists.

  4. If I started my own Pizza place, would you guys come?

  5. Fish are friends, not food.

  6. Okay so I want to know, should I post my idea or not. I think we should have militias and a new system of house knights. I just want to know if I should post it or not, because I don't wanna be blasted with negative feedback. Anyway tell, TO POST OR NOT TO POST!?

  7. http://gyazo.com/591ce51aac97123caf8f61ca592877ac.png This is how we deal with bigotry in elflands. Used men's underwear.
  8. About how many years has it been since the beginning of Asulon until now?

  9. I'm back friends. One day ban made me cry lotz.

  10. Fooour mooore daaays :D

  11. Black flag ending made me cry

  12. Who wants to LARP with me? C:

  13. 32/9/12 as Corki in LoL. Only level 10 too! Yay!

  14. Whats a good height/weight for a Kha'Tigrasi?

  15. I feel so spooky right now...

  16. Whats up with the change thing?

  17. Never been too keen on rap [besides Lupe Fiasco], but this song is pretty chill :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7s_me58iK8

  18. Never been too keen on rap [besides Lupe Fiasco], but this song is pretty chill :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7s_me58iK8

  19. GG LotC community, you've done f****ed yourself over again. Blame the staff all you want, but it's all of you who are causing this drama.

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