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Status Replies posted by cj_scout

  1. Dwarves aren't a race , they're just really stumpy humans with mental issues.

  2. Old Fart? Wot.

  3. Geo loves me.

  4. Sonmy dad brought me home 2 large Snickers Blizzards the same day my mom brought me a large Coke Slurpee. I will never sleep tonight, I swear.

  5. Tired of inactive ET actors? Help me get hired and we'll make some magic happen.

  6. Yoguuuuuuuuurrrrrt.

  7. Any ideas on what my new character should be? It's for my alt mc account.

  8. Considering Elves are considered the emotional crybaby nation I sure heard a lot of cussing and crying from non-elves... and none from elves. :^)

  9. Why does everything have to go as planned admins? They can spam spells and ****, yet we cannot bring down an arch. Maybe ******* support your players for once, not the people who are apperently here to create 'fun'.

  10. Who would you guys say was a better villain - The Perfectionist? or Knox?

  11. Observe and contemplate the life of the Slothquin http://tinyurl.com/oy5kdrz

  12. What's the difference between good edgy and bad edgy? Trying to go towards the good edgy psycho character that had RP leading up to it.

  13. canada wins 6 - 0 in hockey #repeat2010 go for gold

  14. One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others By the time I finish my song?

  15. My character's storyline is so interesting right now. Has a loooad of stuff going on and is involved in the whole Harbinger plot. I feel so proud

  16. So many BRs. . .

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who won the Asulon Map Contest?

  18. geo can i stroke your beard?

  19. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

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