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Status Replies posted by cj_scout

  1. Is it strange that I get sad, happy, yet philisophical when I listen to Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong?

  2. my mom saw me role play. I told her I was pretending to be a cat...

  3. Hitler, has only got one Ball..

  4. Rhia fantasizes about Morgan Freeman dressed up as a rabbi with machine guns murdering people in the name of Godanistan.

  5. How long does it normally take to get back up?

  6. How long does it normally take to get back up?

  7. That feeling you get when a person tries every day to murder you...

  8. Can't tell if my character is a good person or a bad one. . .I saved a little girl. . .but I killed the attacker in a twisted way.

  9. Can't tell if my character is a good person or a bad one. . .I saved a little girl. . .but I killed the attacker in a twisted way.

  10. This is good timing for someone to send me 1.6.2 mpm :3

  11. This is good timing for someone to send me 1.6.2 mpm :3

  12. Just started watching Cloud Atlas: can't say I'm particularly impressed so far.

  13. Waiting to be accepted or denied...

  14. Yo lotc! If you know how to code Java send me a Forum Message, stuffs'a brewin in tech chat :}

  15. If you are on a horse, that doesn't justify you ignoring RP with everyone. Please learn this.

  16. I wish I wasn't killed! I had so much loot, guys!

  17. I see people role-playing as wolves. Next I'll see people role-playing as ponies and name themselves Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Rarity or Twilight Sparkle... xP

  18. Oh no! *gets on a horse and rides around screaming* The Kha are coming! THE KHA ARE COMING!!

  19. Kha' are setting sail for the mainland! It's what you've waited for, LotC.

  20. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the High Prince/ss of Malinor for most of the Great War?

  21. dammit lotc, i was getting hit on :c

  22. So I'm not really up to date on the whole VA thing. If I had a VA from before the changes for 2ac on a character, what do I need to do to add full evils, or minor evils, respectively? As in which specific app, and do I need to re-do anything?

  23. Voted Gold and got Aether?! Problem solved though.

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