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Status Replies posted by Catarrh

  1. I got every Assassins creed game up to Black Flag. Should I play Assassin's creed from the beginning, or does it matter if I play something out of order?

  2. What do people have against Taverns?

  3. What do people have against Taverns?

  4. I'm not sure who the Cloud Temple librarian is these days, but here's some advice. Lock the bookshelves! I think someone stole a bunch of your books.

  5. I was so excited for Star Wars Battlefront III. But then I saw the EA logo... >.>

  6. I was so excited for Star Wars Battlefront III. But then I saw the EA logo... >.>

  7. I'm going to try out Orcish RP for a bit, what are the most active times for Orcs and where's the main Orc activity hub nowadays?

  8. Hey! Are you still experiencing issues with the 'can't resolve hostname' error? I seem to have attracted it myself, how'd you fix it?

  9. What happened to Beardmancy?

  10. purple is the best color

  11. I'd almost forgot. ESO dropped it's monthly sub today. Anyone want to play it together?

  12. Just when I think I'm happy with my skin I notice one tiny little thing that bothers me ;~;

  13. Everything happens when I can't really get on the server... Its been very interesting reading on the forums though

  14. Anybody else crashing as soon as they connect to the server?

  15. Anybody else crashing as soon as they connect to the server?

  16. Waiting for review on application

  17. *Reaches into everyone's posts, pulling out apostrophes being used in plural nouns.*

  18. *Reaches into everyone's posts, pulling out apostrophes being used in plural nouns.*

  19. For every server crash, one duck will die.

  20. For every server crash, one duck will die.

  21. Ehh, idk what to do on the server right now. Anyone got suggestions?

  22. Ehh, idk what to do on the server right now. Anyone got suggestions?

  23. Is there still a list of the best practicioners/teachers of each magic sitting around somewhere?

  24. Is there still a list of the best practicioners/teachers of each magic sitting around somewhere?

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