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Status Replies posted by Alu

  1. If you could become best friends with anyone, real or fictional, who would it be?

  2. Ohmygoshunbanningtommorow :

    1. Alu


      Woo for you!

  3. Could we please tone down the zombies a bit...?

    1. Alu


      I am so rich because of them! I mean...it adds to roleplay and makes people fear the night.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. This is a cool server, I have to file an app but do I need to know stuff that happened in the past for my app?

    1. Alu


      A bit, you don't have to be a LOTC historian but you should have a basic understanding of your races lore along with a bit of global lore.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. So I get back from playing basketball to find people twerking on LotC and stealthninjaAP saying "I am moist". Holla for that dolla boo

  6. Why is the rum always gone?

    1. Alu


      *Burps, damn why'd he drink all the rum?*

  7. You just fired a arrow at me? http://imgur.com/r/gifs/LiIAnWn

    1. Alu


      Spencer takes arrows...wait, WHO RPS CATCHING AN ARROW!?!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Tythus & Rhia vs Rogue GMs

    1. Alu


      CRAZYguy. I would mistrust anyone named that.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Newsletter will be up this weekend - and if I haven't replied to your PM, I'll do so over the next day or two!

  10. Guys, Guys Calm down, the server is just tired and needs a nap

    1. Alu


      *Raises his airhorn and blows it right next to the sleeping server*

  11. #SpontaneousHumanCombustion2013

    1. Alu


      Dude, your on fire!

  12. Why has the server been sooooo laggy?

    1. Alu


      Aye. My com usually handles LOTC really well, now I keep lagging :/

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. S-So... U-Uhm....W-What kind of... u-uhm... What kind of music do mummies listen to? .o.

  14. Thinking of making a new char for my alt, any Ideas?

  15. this may be a silly question, but why would you put a fish in the game if you are going to be banned for it anyway when you eat it during a war?

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