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Everything posted by GodEmperorFlam

  1. This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours. I apologize in advance for the delay, things are rather hectic at the moment as most people have had finals.
  2. This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours. I apologize in advance for the delay, things are rather hectic at the moment as most people have had finals.
  3. This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours. I apologize in advance for the delay, things are rather hectic at the moment as most people have had finals.
  4. This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours. I apologize in advance for the delay, things are rather hectic at the moment as most people have had finals.
  5. Wiping MAs/CAs/TAs for Rewrites As people during the Lore Games have requested seeing if they could have individual magics wiped when a rewrite is submitted, we wrote this up. Before things were handled on a case by case basis, but there wasn’t much in writing dictating the thought process behind decisions. If you want to rewrite something and have the prior users wiped, we typically want to see if there is the following: - The magic/creature has been problematic. If the lore overall has been problematic and users have been misusing it, then it ticks this box. - The magic/creature is not widespread. If the magic is already widespread, say on the level of druidism or fire evocation, then it’s already too vast to simply wipe. - The lore is changing drastically. If the lore piece is radically changing, to the point where it barely resembles what it used to be, then it ticks this box. However, if you opt for wiping the users of the magic/creature (and Story approves), you will be adhering to a more stringent activity trial. This is to ensure that the magic/creature is not being wiped for hoarding reasons or other nefarious purposes. Instead of the traditional 2 months, the lore piece will undergo a 3-4 month activity trial. More information on activity trials can be found here: click me.
  6. Activity Trials When a new piece of playable lore is implemented, whether it be magic or a creature, it is generally placed on a two month trial period. During this period, the lore is allowed 2 people to be able to spread the magic/creature. Unlike the standard 3 student slots, these 2 are allowed 5 student slots to ensure that they are able to help spread the magic/creature properly. Upon the lore being implemented, the lore writer will have to fill out a form that creates a thread that only the lore writer and Story can see. This thread will serve as a means of communication for updating us on how the trial is going. People undergoing the trial should be instructed to take screenshots of their RP when they are doing meaningful RP that relates to the magic/creature. For example, if a creature went and fought a group of people as part of their antag RP, they should screenshot that and send it to the lore writer. These screenshots will need to periodically be linked on the thread so we ensure the creature/magic is being used. In addition, we will be monitoring how the magic/creature is spread. A trial will never be failed without explanation. Lore writers will be contacted should trouble arise during the trial (e.g. if there have been complaints about those partaking in the trial) and will be expected to aid Story in working out any issues.
  7. Mid-December Lore Update With the Lore Games drawing to a close soon (details can be found here: click me), we’re going to be opening up magic apps once again for certain magics. The first wave will consist of the evocations and arcanism, both of which we do not feel will be changing all that much. The new app form will have a question regarding if you understand that the magic you’re picking up might drastically change soon, so please do not be surprised if it does in some regard. The evocations and arcanism are picks that Story will also be making sure remain. While some attempts have been made, there are some that are lacking and I will be reaching out to those communities to make sure that something solid is produced with Story assistance. Likely changes for evocations and arcanism include: limiting freeform in combat, but allowing for heightened freeform outside of combat by removing overly restrictive red lines that the old evocations had. Arcanism will likely have a foundation piece that dips into all of the fields, and then will have additional slots available for those that wish to pursue it further. Arcanism already has a lot that it can do, which carries it out of a simple one slot magic, but not enough for it to warrant a full fledged 5 slot type deal. I’m guessing a full set-up will be a 2-3 slot magic, depending on how fleshed out each field is. If you are in the Lore Games Discord, I will be making a few new chats for this to revitalize discussion and will also be assisting with it myself. These chats will open after the weekend, on the 16th. If you wish to be apart of that and aren’t in the discord, this is the current invite: https://discord.gg/Q6dEHh3 On an unrelated note, Zarsies is currently looking for input on the Pantheon Project, and we are holding a small writing contest for voidal submissions. You can read more about both of those here: Pantheon Link + Void Link. I encourage people that are interested in both voidal magic and Aengudaemons to give these threads a read, and if you want to actively impact the server in terms of the void, try your hand at the voidal reagent/bond submissions. We are also making some changes to how lore reviews are done. A big complaint regarding submitting lore is the long wait time for it to be reviewed. Due to the amount of projects Story writers have on their plate, the traditional method of needing people to vote is difficult. As we need to give people ample time (generally a week or a week and a half) to vote, and usually we can only have a handful of pieces up for a vote before people get overwhelmed. This causes the lore reviewal process to only be able to handle 5-10 pieces in one go, which usually lasts 1-2 weeks depending on how long the discussion for the vote lasts. As such, I am doing away with tradition and moving forward with a much more efficient method. Currently we are using it on most of the submissions that are currently sitting there, aiming to get through the backlog that has piled up. This method will be having a few dedicated people vote on the lore with a member of Story management (i.e. Me/Zarsies/Killmatronix) overseeing things. Management will look at the opinions of the few dedicated people who have voted, and we will decide if the piece passes or not. So far this method is a lot faster, as we’re able to blaze through pieces without having to wait for a majority of the team to give their input. In order to make sure that everyone on the team still gets a say, the votes will be open to anyone if they have the time, but it will not be mandatory for everyone. Similarly, the vote results will still be shared with the rest of the team so they can see the process behind the decisions being made, and they will have a period of time to raise any concerns they may have. Similar to the above, we have streamlined the process behind submitting edits to lore. You can read more about it in this short guide that covers the process: click me. This may seem like a fair amount of documentation, but it really will speed up the review process significantly. How? Because when people make edits to the lore piece directly, we have to scour over the entire piece and make sure no other edits were made and have to find the edits that were made so we can see if they work or not. But with this method, we can see instantly what edits the person wants to make and why they want to make them, allowing us to give feedback instantly. This should be beneficial to all parties involved.
  8. Submitting Edits Guide This is a quick guide covering how you should submit edits. Making Edits You should be creating a document that contains the edits you want to make, along with the original version. You should also describe what the edit is hoping to achieve/its purpose. Below is an example: Example Edit Purpose: This edit is meant to balance the Fireball ability as it was one of the points raised by Story members during the vote. It makes fireballs no longer do insta-kill damage. Original Version – Note: You do not need to copy and paste the entire section, you just need to showcase where the section getting replaced starts and ends. Edited Version Pending Lore Changes If you have a lore submission that’s pending edits, you should reply to the PM you received with a doc covering the edits you want to make. Amendments to Accepted Lore If you want to make an amendment to accepted lore, you follow the same process of creating edits and send a PM to THIS ACCOUNT with it. An amendment should only consist of edits to a lore piece, rather than any actual additions/new abilities/et cetera. If you want to make an addition, you should submit it through the proper lore submission channels. Regular amendments will be processed without a vote, unless what is being changed is large in scale. Large in scale would be an amendment that changes a number of parts of the lore or changes gameplay of the lore piece vastly.
  9. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  10. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  11. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  12. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  13. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  14. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  15. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  16. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  17. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  18. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  19. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  20. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  21. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  22. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
  23. Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.
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