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Status Updates posted by kingnothing

  1. It's cancerous, I tell you.

  2. If I had a brick for everytime you did something stupid... Brick city.

    1. NomadGaia


      Dude you'd have to move to a new world for that

    2. NomadGaia


      Like Jupiter

  3. Not racist, just cynical.

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Humans are worthless #ilovethedwarves #promoteracism

  4. I hate having to leave when someones trying to RP me. It's bloody cancerous for everyone involved. ;-;

    1. Demotheus


      Someone's trying to role play you? Like YOU...or your character or whatever? ...oh...i think you just forgot "with"...my bad.

    2. kingnothing


      Shh. This are harasmunt.

  5. Okay, so the people over yonder are having april fools day funs. And I'm trapped in this void box time travel thing. HELP. ;~;

  6. Rayd Hawt Chilleh Pepahrs are my favourite thing.

  7. Fish be fishin'

    1. monkeypoacher


      I salute you for spreading awareness about icthyoid homicide.

    2. kingnothing
  8. The server loves to crash when my RP is about to reach it's climax, so to speak.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Parading
    3. monkeypoacher


      -If you know what I mean.-

      cyber is bad

      permabanana no apple

    4. kingnothing


      C: I did it on purpose. I are soary 4 be so rood pls ban me 5ever so i neber com bak.

  9. I did a thing with my signature. IT'S BEAUTIFUL, ISN'T IT? C:

  10. The servers flubbin out. Anyone able to get in? o.o

    1. BrandNewKitten


      It's weird for me too.

    2. Kitten


      Servers messed up for me and a few others as well.

    3. Genevieveee


      I have terrible connection and when I do join its so laggy I can't do anything.

  11. We broke the server. Yay! ^3^

    1. Genevieveee
    2. kingnothing


      I was there for the chatrape epidemic. XD

  12. Jogging in the cold makes my nipples hurt. o.o

    1. Booklight12


      I feel your brother. I feel you.

    2. Dtrik


      Yummy *makes slurping noises*

  13. Don't even care. It's just, no. X_X

  14. I am wondering why the server is down.

    1. jtucker40


      connection issues

  15. Your picture is a mudkip, in real life. It's beautiful.

  16. ~~~ Praise the sun! ~~~

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