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Status Updates posted by Pandasan

  1. Merry Christmas.

  2. Anyone think they can solve this problem? I hardly can stay on the server for 1 minute without disconnecting.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pandasan
    3. VampsWillDie


      Your connection was aborted by your machine.

    4. Pandasan


      Stupid machine then.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Can you please go easy with the thunder?

  5. Will you be my friend?

  6. Question that needs answerin': When a Mali'ker blushes, is it visible?

  7. Zer0 broke the server... We all shall purge him and those who divide by him.

  8. I have returned.

  9. It's August 1st, some people on this server have school which begin very soon and other people in the world who's begin a month later or so. Are you ready for back to school?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShameJax


      I have a whole month too suckahs

    3. Space


      Smeh, school gives you that much more opportunity to get those honey dips :^)

    4. Korvic


      School? Ha. Funny joke.

  10. It's close for the fireworks!

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