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Everything posted by Pandasan

  1. Can you please go easy with the thunder?

  2. Will you be my friend?

  3. Question that needs answerin': When a Mali'ker blushes, is it visible?

  4. Zer0 broke the server... We all shall purge him and those who divide by him.

  5. I have returned.

  6. ::OOC:: MC Name: Draoen Did you ever have a character with magic?: Yes Are you aware the rules of Magic: Yes Skype: You have it. ::IC:: Name: Virella Deathsbane Age: 32 Gender: Female Race: Wood Elf What would you like to learn?: Herbology and Medical stuff Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: Hunter
  7. It's August 1st, some people on this server have school which begin very soon and other people in the world who's begin a month later or so. Are you ready for back to school?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShameJax


      I have a whole month too suckahs

    3. Space


      Smeh, school gives you that much more opportunity to get those honey dips :^)

    4. Korvic


      School? Ha. Funny joke.

  8. It feels like you're trying to be the main character, as many other have said. And doesn't seem organized. Sorry but, -1
  9. It's close for the fireworks!

  10. Scratch that, I've changed my mind.
  11. IC: Name: Lanith Kal'daka Oussana What deity do you follow (If not Iblees)?: Setherien Anything about yourself: He is full of Revenge to his foes. Wanting to burn down lots of cities and peoples. OOC: Username: Draoen Timezone:US EST Skype: piecakeyummy Will you be active?: Only on weekends: Fridays: 6PM-Sunday: 8PM
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