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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by DISCOLIQUID

  1. Great thing about air evocation is that there's always that guy who has such graceful balance, barely staggering as you send powerful guys of wind at him and landing on his feet as you blast him through the air.

  2. #AchievementGet: Complimented by Ouity.

  3. #AchievementGet: Complimented by Ouity.

  4. Are druids capable of fighting?

  5. trying to get into silver city with orc char ;(

  6. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who are the only two forum accounts to begin with 1000 reputation?

  7. Bring me a magic potion, it will heal my aching wounds! A taste so bitter that makes my bleeding soul feel so good! It will make us sing and dance in our endless feast, or it might even unleash the beast in me!~

  8. Need something evil to do. Simply Stabbing things is getting boring.

  9. children pls stop

  10. What is the speed of dark?

  11. What is the speed of dark?

  12. "Balrog the demon"? Lich King lines? Come on lol.

  13. Ok, pretend I'm a new player, help me find my way. "hELlo ther stRanger? DO YuO kno were rIVendEll is?"


  15. As players, we are supposed to work together and control the RP, not have the RP control us. Yes, or no?

  16. Just got accepted! Anything I should know/do before I log on for the first time?

  17. I think the world hates me now.

  18. Question, what does one do when their character begins learning tropes through pattern recognition?

  19. **** I MISSED 4:20

  20. Darth Vader is Luke's father

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