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Status Replies posted by DISCOLIQUID

  1. "Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don't care."

  2. Done streaming for today, hit the level cap. Probably going to try some more on another character though. Tell me which one to play.

  3. I'm suprised that bad commands managed to take the server down this long. Poor GM must of messed up baaaad.

  4. Is da server down or sommat?

  5. Left for the Craft: Dying Dance in the Fringe

  6. Apologies for the ongoing DCs I am working on it to the best of my limited abilities

  7. 100 O.O step it up fringe


  9. And now I remember why I hate RP with Orcs. That didn't take long.

  10. And now I remember why I hate RP with Orcs. That didn't take long.

  11. Leather pants and a daed bush in the middle apparently. 'According to Arzota' - Uracow

  12. Leather pants and a daed bush in the middle apparently. 'According to Arzota' - Uracow

  13. I found the cure to the plague!

  14. elorna smokes weed erryday

  15. Headgear is (X) = Wool (x) = Iron

  16. LoTC is getting boring IMO

  17. Fairly sure that if the donation perks are removed from LotC , 4.0 is going to fail miserably.

  18. Would you get a time machine, but it can only take you back in time to the 70s in the middle of a Disco

  19. Here's a link to a minecraft server owner skype group, where _grum lays out some details involving the EULA - http://pastebin.com/h1Q4ZUX6 (Eric Broes)

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