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The Illuminus Obscura

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Status Replies posted by The Illuminus Obscura

  1. There's only one Scot on the entire staff team these days. How things ended up this way I will never know...

  2. Welcome to the new age, LotC.

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      More like 2.0 reborn. In all likelihood, it will end like 2.0 too.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. My heart goes out to Ser Jorah Mormont who proves that women are shits and only give out to the bad boys and dickheads.

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      Actually, Gaius, it wasn't. The only example of marriage (in the western world) of someone that young to someone THAT YOUNG outside of arranged marriage was once due to a feuding barony in England. It is a misconception spread by Martin.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. My heart goes out to Ser Jorah Mormont who proves that women are shits and only give out to the bad boys and dickheads.

  5. I think the only way to bring IC fear, and make people not mess with me, is PVP defaulting people.

  6. #Watyll4LM2014

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      Just remove LMs. Gms can regulate lore. What do they even do except review proposals and write generic stuff? I'm really not trying to be offensive, but it really just seems like a useless allocation of resources.

  7. No wonder this server is struggling with players, 1month ban for calling someone filth in ooc

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      If I called Snowshovel, or Kebab disgusting filth, I would be met with the entire world of LOTC raining down on me.

      It was an utterly justified ban, and the idea it wasn't deserved is dum.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. drugs are pretty fun actually dont let anyone tell you different

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      Just because it seems trolly, I'd like to say: There hasn't been a proven correlation between Marijuana and Addiction, BUT. It can cause damage to the lungs much in the same way as cigarettes, and let to cancer, tumors, and other such things.

      The more you know.

      (Though it is psychologically addictive like everything. And it can induce schizophrenia.)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Just watched this documentary called "Bowling with columbine" I don't see why you don't just ban guns U.S

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      Banning guns causes more violence. Prohibiting something makes people want more of it. Look at the prohibition. Drug crisis. It's ridiculous to ask people to ban guns,

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. From the post announcing RP Default: http://gyazo.com/7a908e8bf99fc02ee0d66018d70a646c This problem sounds very familiar.

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      I miss that. Staff has sided with the vocal minority, and it's showing in the respect that all major villains that didn't wear a red bandana are mostly gone.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. I can't wait to play LOTC for the first time!

  12. Zane / Gwo for king of OOC... They've been there since Day 1!!!

  13. The Illuminus Obscura is recruiting. We are accepting all well-versed roleplayers to increase our ranks, and provide roleplay as well as outreach for our little group. :]

  14. The Illuminus Obscura is recruiting. We are accepting all well-versed roleplayers to increase our ranks, and provide roleplay as well as outreach for our little group. :]

  15. [10:41:42 PM] Christian Hansen: "For your initiation I'm going to kick your ass"

  16. I can't change my skin... Is this a common problem with Forge or MPM or are others have the same issue?

  17. I forgot how much I love chittering with gm's they take my jokes in stride.

    1. The Illuminus Obscura

      The Illuminus Obscura

      Because being a sodomite is horrible.

      I'm sure y'all have a fun time, friend of malinor.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. I forgot how much I love chittering with gm's they take my jokes in stride.

  19. Join the Illuminus Obscura - We have an island made of Pink Wool (and doom!)

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